Comments on: Master Seagal Mentors the Spider and the Dragon? /master-seagal-mentors-the-spider-and-the-dragon/ Reviews of common self-defense, karate, and MMA issues Tue, 11 Oct 2011 21:05:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: John W. Zimmer /master-seagal-mentors-the-spider-and-the-dragon/comment-page-1/#comment-5650 John W. Zimmer Thu, 09 Jun 2011 03:24:17 +0000 /?p=3006#comment-5650 Hi Nathan,... regarding your post: "In MMA itself, you used to see some techniques work a lot of the time, such as a flying knee, superman punch, and spinning backfist. Not used as much, or not as successful. Just wait…" Totally agree :) Hi KarateStylist, Thanks for stopping by and giving this a read. Agree about Machida - but my fist love is sport karate. That was my first proving ground and what I have always excelled at. Hey Dr. J! I'm with you on the low kicks... MMA is not perfect but it the best equalizer we have right now. :) Hey Matt! I like you do not thing Seagal brings anything new to MMA but I do think he is the flavor of the month... fresh insight is always good to shake things up. :) Hi Jason - Yep I agree more skills are better than less. If the MMA guy can keep it on his feet - multiple attackers can work too! Hi Nathan,… regarding your post: “In MMA itself, you used to see some techniques work a lot of the time, such as a flying knee, superman punch, and spinning backfist. Not used as much, or not as successful. Just wait…”

Totally agree :)

Hi KarateStylist, Thanks for stopping by and giving this a read. Agree about Machida – but my fist love is sport karate. That was my first proving ground and what I have always excelled at.

Hey Dr. J!

I’m with you on the low kicks… MMA is not perfect but it the best equalizer we have right now. :)

Hey Matt!

I like you do not thing Seagal brings anything new to MMA but I do think he is the flavor of the month… fresh insight is always good to shake things up. :)

Hi Jason – Yep I agree more skills are better than less. If the MMA guy can keep it on his feet – multiple attackers can work too!

By: Jason /master-seagal-mentors-the-spider-and-the-dragon/comment-page-1/#comment-5638 Jason Sat, 04 Jun 2011 10:54:44 +0000 /?p=3006#comment-5638 I really dislike Seagal but that my opinion, I agree about the MMA for the streets, you stand a better chance even against two attackers with a good MMA background. I really dislike Seagal but that my opinion, I agree about the MMA for the streets, you stand a better chance even against two attackers with a good MMA background.

By: Matt Klein /master-seagal-mentors-the-spider-and-the-dragon/comment-page-1/#comment-5633 Matt Klein Sun, 29 May 2011 12:43:04 +0000 /?p=3006#comment-5633 Like you John, I was mesmerized when 180 lb. Royce Gracie took on 240 lb. guys. I started training in Jujitsu right after that. I was in for a rude awakening. Guys much smaller tied me up in knots within seconds. I slowly learned, but more important, came to respect groundfighting. You cannot always control when and the fight goes to the ground, even if you are an outstanding striker. MMA is supremely practical for the street as it makes you strong as an ox, able to fight for a long time, and as tough as nails. You only need to look at the ground n pound to see its practicality. We have added it to our syllabus. As an instructor, I dive right in with the guys and do it. I love it! Granted at 52, I don't recover as quick as the young guns. As there are rules, guys from backgrounds such as Kenpo are at a big disadvantage. No tiger claws, eye rakes and gouges, groin kicks, etc. I like having the streetfighting background of Kenpo with the physical toughness that MMA develops. As for Aikido, not sure why there have been no champions from that background in MMA. It would be great to see if someone could emerge to prove its value in MMA. I believe that Muay Thai reigns supreme for MMA preparation, due to its powerful knees and elbow strikes, although the modern Dutch version shows me alot. Wrestling is fantastic for the takedowns and ground n pound, while BJJ is the best on the ground. We are learning all of them. I have never been so fired up in my martial arts career. I think Seagal has walked the walk as a martial artist, but I don't believe he should take credit for two kicks that have been around forever; the crane kick and the teep or front snap kick. However, both fighters seemed to support Seagal's assertion that it was his idea. Go figure. Like you John, I was mesmerized when 180 lb. Royce Gracie took on 240 lb. guys. I started training in Jujitsu right after that. I was in for a rude awakening. Guys much smaller tied me up in knots within seconds. I slowly learned, but more important, came to respect groundfighting. You cannot always control when and the fight goes to the ground, even if you are an outstanding striker.

MMA is supremely practical for the street as it makes you strong as an ox, able to fight for a long time, and as tough as nails. You only need to look at the ground n pound to see its practicality. We have added it to our syllabus. As an instructor, I dive right in with the guys and do it. I love it! Granted at 52, I don’t recover as quick as the young guns.

As there are rules, guys from backgrounds such as Kenpo are at a big disadvantage. No tiger claws, eye rakes and gouges, groin kicks, etc. I like having the streetfighting background of Kenpo with the physical toughness that MMA develops. As for Aikido, not sure why there have been no champions from that background in MMA. It would be great to see if someone could emerge to prove its value in MMA.

I believe that Muay Thai reigns supreme for MMA preparation, due to its powerful knees and elbow strikes, although the modern Dutch version shows me alot. Wrestling is fantastic for the takedowns and ground n pound, while BJJ is the best on the ground. We are learning all of them. I have never been so fired up in my martial arts career.

I think Seagal has walked the walk as a martial artist, but I don’t believe he should take credit for two kicks that have been around forever; the crane kick and the teep or front snap kick. However, both fighters seemed to support Seagal’s assertion that it was his idea. Go figure.
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By: Dr. J /master-seagal-mentors-the-spider-and-the-dragon/comment-page-1/#comment-5627 Dr. J Tue, 24 May 2011 12:41:41 +0000 /?p=3006#comment-5627 I'm a bit ambivalent in my opinion about Seagal as my only real knowledge of him is his movies and his often, ego-centric interviews. At this point, I still choose to believe that, within reason, the fighter is more important than the fighter's style. As for MMA, I like it, yet there are obvious defensive holes as illustrated with no blocking of below the belt kicks and the frequent time outs where the fighter has to recover from this oversight. I’m a bit ambivalent in my opinion about Seagal as my only real knowledge of him is his movies and his often, ego-centric interviews.

At this point, I still choose to believe that, within reason, the fighter is more important than the fighter’s style.

As for MMA, I like it, yet there are obvious defensive holes as illustrated with no blocking of below the belt kicks and the frequent time outs where the fighter has to recover from this oversight.

By: KarateStylist /master-seagal-mentors-the-spider-and-the-dragon/comment-page-1/#comment-5624 KarateStylist Sun, 22 May 2011 17:06:27 +0000 /?p=3006#comment-5624 RE: "Master Seagal Mentors the Spider and the Dragon?" As a karate stylist, I think your article shows a lot of depth that the sport boxing & MMA crowd are missing. There's an enormous amount of criticism out there on Seagal; on his personal habits some rings true. As a teacher, however, he is well regarded by those who know him, though far from perfect. I myself would NEVER laugh off the man or his ability. My view on Machida is that, as you have observed, he is very caught up in the Shotokan Kumite, point-fighting style. After browsing around your blog, your personal tournament style seems to be the exact opposite of Lyoto's. FOOD FOR THOUGHT! Regards, KarateStylist RE: “Master Seagal Mentors the Spider and the Dragon?”

As a karate stylist, I think your article shows a lot of depth that the sport boxing & MMA crowd are missing. There’s an enormous amount of criticism out there on Seagal; on his personal habits some rings true.

As a teacher, however, he is well regarded by those who know him, though far from perfect. I myself would NEVER laugh off the man or his ability.

My view on Machida is that, as you have observed, he is very caught up in the Shotokan Kumite, point-fighting style. After browsing around your blog, your personal tournament style seems to be the exact opposite of Lyoto’s.




By: Nathan /master-seagal-mentors-the-spider-and-the-dragon/comment-page-1/#comment-5621 Nathan Sat, 21 May 2011 21:00:16 +0000 /?p=3006#comment-5621 Nice! I expanded on one part here: Nice! I expanded on one part here:
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