Comments on: Wonder Woman and Amazing Women! /wonder-woman-and-amazing-women/ Reviews of common self-defense, karate, and MMA issues Tue, 04 Sep 2012 15:11:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: James @ Wonder Woman Costumes /wonder-woman-and-amazing-women/comment-page-1/#comment-2042 James @ Wonder Woman Costumes Wed, 23 Sep 2009 17:36:09 +0000 /?p=78#comment-2042 Here are some quick tips to if interested in moving forward with a self-defense program. The class should be based on the kinds of assault women most experience. It should be developed to promote assertiveness, confidence and self-worth. The curriculum should emphasize the skills women already use and include activities to build new skills based on them. Finally, instructors should be able to provide a caring environment where women feel safe to train.24 Courses based on "stranger danger" fail to meet these criteria and are problematic in at least two other important ways. Here are some quick tips to if interested in moving forward with a self-defense program. The class should be based on the kinds of assault women most experience. It should be developed to promote assertiveness, confidence and self-worth. The curriculum should emphasize the skills women already use and include activities to build new skills based on them. Finally, instructors should be able to provide a caring environment where women feel safe to train.24 Courses based on “stranger danger” fail to meet these criteria and are problematic in at least two other important ways.

By: John W. Zimmer /wonder-woman-and-amazing-women/comment-page-1/#comment-792 John W. Zimmer Sun, 27 Jul 2008 19:14:49 +0000 /?p=78#comment-792 Hey Doug, . Escrima sounds interesting as lots of weapons self-defense. Another local San Diego resource is Pete Salas. He has Southern San Diego county studio (Chinese Kenpo Federation: that probably does a good job of weapons instruction based on Pete's attention to detail. . I also think that if a black belt of martial arts simply applies his or her knowledge of fighting, to a weapon (assuming he or she learns the basic movements possible for said weapon) putting up a formidable defense should be possible with any weapon! Now I don't mean to say that I think I could use a samurai sword as good as a samurai warrior, but I could take on a group of assailants with any weapon easier than with my bare hands in a self-defense scenario. . So since self-defense and not sparring with weapons is my goal - I will probably use critical distance and my fighting experience from being a black belt to use whatever weapon I find handy if ever needed. . I do agree with your points of seeking a specific style of weapons training if you want more insight or want to become proficient in that martial art. My only caveat I am addressing is from a self-defense point of view. . The cool thing about Kenpo as it is taught at American Kenpo Karate and Joe Lewis's fighting system (and Tracy's) influences - is that one is always searching for effective fighting techniques, whatever the source. Many martial artists like yourself take on more than one art in an effort to find better ways of fighting, pioneers if you will, that will have significant contributions to future Kenpo generations! . Thanks as always for you insight Doug! . Regards, . John W. Zimmer Hey Doug,
Escrima sounds interesting as lots of weapons self-defense. Another local San Diego resource is Pete Salas. He has Southern San Diego county studio (Chinese Kenpo Federation: that probably does a good job of weapons instruction based on Pete’s attention to detail.
I also think that if a black belt of martial arts simply applies his or her knowledge of fighting, to a weapon (assuming he or she learns the basic movements possible for said weapon) putting up a formidable defense should be possible with any weapon! Now I don’t mean to say that I think I could use a samurai sword as good as a samurai warrior, but I could take on a group of assailants with any weapon easier than with my bare hands in a self-defense scenario.
So since self-defense and not sparring with weapons is my goal – I will probably use critical distance and my fighting experience from being a black belt to use whatever weapon I find handy if ever needed.
I do agree with your points of seeking a specific style of weapons training if you want more insight or want to become proficient in that martial art. My only caveat I am addressing is from a self-defense point of view.
The cool thing about Kenpo as it is taught at American Kenpo Karate and Joe Lewis’s fighting system (and Tracy’s) influences – is that one is always searching for effective fighting techniques, whatever the source. Many martial artists like yourself take on more than one art in an effort to find better ways of fighting, pioneers if you will, that will have significant contributions to future Kenpo generations!
Thanks as always for you insight Doug!
John W. Zimmer

By: Doug Arcidino /wonder-woman-and-amazing-women/comment-page-1/#comment-791 Doug Arcidino Sun, 27 Jul 2008 03:05:42 +0000 /?p=78#comment-791 You guys make great points about training for self defense. I started training in Escrima to augment my kenpo. It was a time when I was injured and could not spar for a long time. I found that swinging a stick helped the strength in my hand which helped my hand injuries in my right hand. Also it helped me to really understand how to defend against a weapon. In El Cajon Ca. there is a great Escrima master Chris Rickets. He is a master on Ilustrisimo. This is a nice style. He has great experience. His # is 619.8613206. He has written books and was taught by grandmaster Ilustrisimo Hence the name. But what it did for me was enhanced my mastery of self defense. Doug You guys make great points about training for self defense. I started training in Escrima to augment my kenpo. It was a time when I was injured and could not spar for a long time. I found that swinging a stick helped the strength in my hand which helped my hand injuries in my right hand. Also it helped me to really understand how to defend against a weapon. In El Cajon Ca. there is a great Escrima master Chris Rickets. He is a master on Ilustrisimo. This is a nice style. He has great experience. His # is 619.8613206. He has written books and was taught by grandmaster Ilustrisimo Hence the name. But what it did for me was enhanced my mastery of self defense.


By: John W. Zimmer /wonder-woman-and-amazing-women/comment-page-1/#comment-779 John W. Zimmer Wed, 16 Jul 2008 02:27:15 +0000 /?p=78#comment-779 Great points David! Joyce is another great fighter too that would never back away from a challenge. Feeling your mortality huh? Me too. I am now focusing on self-defense as that is something that I can probably pull off well into my 90's :) Take care, John W. Zimmer And by the way - I love honest assessments of reality and strategies to mitigate attacks.... you are always welcome to opine here Sir. Great points David! Joyce is another great fighter too that would never back away from a challenge.

Feeling your mortality huh? Me too. I am now focusing on self-defense as that is something that I can probably pull off well into my 90′s :)

Take care,

John W. Zimmer

And by the way – I love honest assessments of reality and strategies to mitigate attacks…. you are always welcome to opine here Sir.

By: David Hays /wonder-woman-and-amazing-women/comment-page-1/#comment-778 David Hays Tue, 15 Jul 2008 23:38:26 +0000 /?p=78#comment-778 John, Another great article. And I agree both Diana and Cathy are great examples of women that can defend themselves. Another one that comes to mind is Joyce Nickley. I believe what all these women have in common is they all trained, and sparred, with men. They gained a realistic understanding of what it would take to defend themselves against an aggressive male attacker. I also know from training with these talented women that they all understand trying to go toe to toe with a large male combatant is not always a wise choice. They all have a true understanding of how to fight to gain the advantage necessary to be able to get to a safe place. I will be turning 50 this year and have been training in the arts since I was 14 years old. I believe that no matter what your skill level is there comes a time when you must stopping thinking of yourself as nine feet tall and bullet proof. We all need to remember that self defense does not mean that you are always supposed to beat the other guy up. It means what it says, “defend yourself”. If that means fending off an attacker until my family can get to a safe place and then getting to a safe place myself, then that is what I should do. It is not just women who need this understanding. It is also children, adult males with beginning to intermediate experience in the arts, as well as any of us who are getting older. Just my opinion, David Hays John,

Another great article. And I agree both Diana and Cathy are great examples of women that can defend themselves. Another one that comes to mind is Joyce Nickley. I believe what all these women have in common is they all trained, and sparred, with men. They gained a realistic understanding of what it would take to defend themselves against an aggressive male attacker.

I also know from training with these talented women that they all understand trying to go toe to toe with a large male combatant is not always a wise choice. They all have a true understanding of how to fight to gain the advantage necessary to be able to get to a safe place.

I will be turning 50 this year and have been training in the arts since I was 14 years old. I believe that no matter what your skill level is there comes a time when you must stopping thinking of yourself as nine feet tall and bullet proof. We all need to remember that self defense does not mean that you are always supposed to beat the other guy up. It means what it says, “defend yourself”. If that means fending off an attacker until my family can get to a safe place and then getting to a safe place myself, then that is what I should do.

It is not just women who need this understanding. It is also children, adult males with beginning to intermediate experience in the arts, as well as any of us who are getting older.

Just my opinion,

David Hays

By: David Hays /wonder-woman-and-amazing-women/comment-page-1/#comment-776 David Hays Mon, 14 Jul 2008 23:22:34 +0000 /?p=78#comment-776 Diana, I know you. Weren't you a student of John's then mine at the El Cajon stuido? If so, I remember you as a very tough fighter. David Hays Diana,

I know you. Weren’t you a student of John’s then mine at the El Cajon stuido? If so, I remember you as a very tough fighter.

David Hays

By: diana matzenauer /wonder-woman-and-amazing-women/comment-page-1/#comment-772 diana matzenauer Fri, 11 Jul 2008 19:13:56 +0000 /?p=78#comment-772 John Nice to see you today and hope our paths well meet again. Lets do some trainning again. John
Nice to see you today and hope our paths well meet again. Lets do some trainning again.
