Comments on: Bullies! Turn the Other Cheek? /bullies-turn-the-other-cheek/ Reviews of common self-defense, karate, and MMA issues Tue, 21 Dec 2010 04:09:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: John W. Zimmer /bullies-turn-the-other-cheek/comment-page-1/#comment-1725 John W. Zimmer Fri, 03 Jul 2009 22:45:06 +0000 /?p=134#comment-1725 Hi Daniel, . Good points... I tend to think the schools mean well but they are trying to keep above the fray at the expense of our children. I'm a strong believer in self-defense for children. Thanks for your comments. Hi Daniel,
Good points… I tend to think the schools mean well but they are trying to keep above the fray at the expense of our children. I’m a strong believer in self-defense for children. Thanks for your comments.

By: Daniel Heartfire /bullies-turn-the-other-cheek/comment-page-1/#comment-1723 Daniel Heartfire Fri, 03 Jul 2009 04:35:27 +0000 /?p=134#comment-1723 I would add to my previous comment that these school policies are in my opinion part of a greater governmental effort to brainwash our kids into being docile sheep who are afraid to act or think for themselves. and will instead cower in fear and hand over their personal power to "Big Brother" in return for "Big Brother' taking away more freedom from them. I suggest reading the works of people like David Icke and their take on something called PRC {problem, reaction, solution}. The government knows that bullies are best handled in school by suspending or expelling the bully, Making the parent come from work to pick the child up, and making the child's continuing education legally the parent's problem from there. This worked for 200 years in this country. The government creates a problem by changing something that works for something that doesn't. The people react to the problem the government created intentionally, The government then says "we will protect you if you give up your rights and free thinking to us". End result, the government gets more power and the Ultra rich who control it get more wealth and power. I would add to my previous comment that these school policies are in my opinion part of a greater governmental effort to brainwash our kids into being docile sheep who are afraid to act or think for themselves. and will instead cower in fear and hand over their personal power to “Big Brother” in return for “Big Brother’ taking away more freedom from them. I suggest reading the works of people like David Icke and their take on something called PRC {problem, reaction, solution}. The government knows that bullies are best handled in school by suspending or expelling the bully, Making the parent come from work to pick the child up, and making the child’s continuing education legally the parent’s problem from there. This worked for 200 years in this country. The government creates a problem by changing something that works for something that doesn’t. The people react to the problem the government created intentionally, The government then says “we will protect you if you give up your rights and free thinking to us”. End result, the government gets more power and the Ultra rich who control it get more wealth and power.

By: Daniel Heartfire /bullies-turn-the-other-cheek/comment-page-1/#comment-1722 Daniel Heartfire Fri, 03 Jul 2009 03:51:41 +0000 /?p=134#comment-1722 Liked your article, went through a similar childhood experience. Had a pacifist weakling mother who tried to tell me not to fight back against bullies. That only got me a lot more beatings and one incident which could have killed me. Of course the school did nothing though these things happened right in front of teachers and principals. I, thankfully, had an older brother who taught me some basic martial arts in return for me holding punching and kicking pads and a heavy bag for him while he practiced. I believe that most times the bigger man is the one who walks away from a bully. However when I or another innocent person is attacked then I do what I must to stop the attacker cold. People who are against self defense are almost always either bullies themselves or idiots who have never been attacked but presume to tell others what to do. I think basic self defense should be taught right in Gym class. Also school districts caught punishing kids for defending themselves should be sued to the max. Many school officials are simply lazy and too cowardly to stick their neck out and actually investigate a fight and determine who the aggressor was tho often in such a place their are witnesses. I would tell victims what I have learned and that is to document everything as much as possible. With the presence today of such things as DVRs and cameras on your phone it is real easy to help a bully to hang himself. Also if your are even physically threatened, make out a police report, regardless of what a school official says. Liked your article, went through a similar childhood experience. Had a pacifist weakling mother who tried to tell me not to fight back against bullies. That only got me a lot more beatings and one incident which could have killed me. Of course the school did nothing though these things happened right in front of teachers and principals. I, thankfully, had an older brother who taught me some basic martial arts in return for me holding punching and kicking pads and a heavy bag for him while he practiced. I believe that most times the bigger man is the one who walks away from a bully. However when I or another innocent person is attacked then I do what I must to stop the attacker cold. People who are against self defense are almost always either bullies themselves or idiots who have never been attacked but presume to tell others what to do. I think basic self defense should be taught right in Gym class. Also school districts caught punishing kids for defending themselves should be sued to the max. Many school officials are simply lazy and too cowardly to stick their neck out and actually investigate a fight and determine who the aggressor was tho often in such a place their are witnesses. I would tell victims what I have learned and that is to document everything as much as possible. With the presence today of such things as DVRs and cameras on your phone it is real easy to help a bully to hang himself. Also if your are even physically threatened, make out a police report, regardless of what a school official says.

By: John W. Zimmer /bullies-turn-the-other-cheek/comment-page-1/#comment-1155 John W. Zimmer Sat, 29 Nov 2008 07:32:34 +0000 /?p=134#comment-1155 Very well stated Bruce. I would like to echo your statement that "professional training/coaching is required" as I think everyone should know how to defend themselves against Bullies! . There are many self-defense choices these days including boxing, karate, jiu-jitsu, or whatever flavor one likes... the most important thing is to learn the basics from somewhere. There are many short self-defense courses taught as well. Very well stated Bruce. I would like to echo your statement that “professional training/coaching is required” as I think everyone should know how to defend themselves against Bullies!
There are many self-defense choices these days including boxing, karate, jiu-jitsu, or whatever flavor one likes… the most important thing is to learn the basics from somewhere. There are many short self-defense courses taught as well.

By: Bruce Crary /bullies-turn-the-other-cheek/comment-page-1/#comment-1152 Bruce Crary Thu, 27 Nov 2008 17:03:05 +0000 /?p=134#comment-1152 Excellent article! As you read this comment, hundreds of good people (Men, Women and Children) are being physically bullied/assualted, and have no clue how they could have prevented the assualt, or if need be, defend themselves. Bullying at an early age affected my self-esteem so badly that I dropped out of school. I did not know back then that there were many highly effective approaches/strategies that I could have implemented that would have stopped the bullying dead in its tracks before it escalated. After the final gang attack against me when I was 16, I started studying Karate full time. Only one person harassed me after that, and I quickly sent that particular bully to the hospital. I am not proud of this, but I had no other choice, he had a knife. After teaching numerous styles of martial arts for over 30 years, and reviewing how our educational system is unsuccessfully attempting to deal with the rapidly growing problem of bullying, we as parents and professionals need to learn and teach highly effective and legal methods for stopping bullying before it escalates to violence. Violence should be a LAST RESORT, but if forced to defend against an assailant (which is an absolute legal right, at any age), technique should be executed with enough speed and control to simply stop or neutralize the attacker. Each situation is different and professional training/coaching is required. It is my belief that any individual (even at the age of 5) can learn to stop most bullying situations before they escalate into physical violence. This is why my Son (also a Black Belt) and I have decided to write a very unique book on how to defuse bullying situations. These are legal, proven methods that work, and are not taught in our schools. It is our goal to empower everyone that reads this book with the knowledge, strength and wisdom to overcome all bullying situations. In closing I would like to add that this blog is an excellent resource to open up communication and knowledge. Thank you! Bruce Crary - President - American Martial Arts Certified Professionals Excellent article! As you read this comment, hundreds of good people (Men, Women and Children) are being physically bullied/assualted, and have no clue how they could have prevented the assualt, or if need be, defend themselves.

Bullying at an early age affected my self-esteem so badly that I dropped out of school. I did not know back then that there were many highly effective approaches/strategies that I could have implemented that would have stopped the bullying dead in its tracks before it escalated.

After the final gang attack against me when I was 16, I started studying Karate full time. Only one person harassed me after that, and I quickly sent that particular bully to the hospital. I am not proud of this, but I had no other choice, he had a knife. After teaching numerous styles of martial arts for over 30 years, and reviewing how our educational system is unsuccessfully attempting to deal with the rapidly growing problem of bullying, we as parents and professionals need to learn and teach highly effective and legal methods for stopping bullying before it escalates to violence. Violence should be a LAST RESORT, but if forced to defend against an assailant (which is an absolute legal right, at any age), technique should be executed with enough speed and control to simply stop or neutralize the attacker. Each situation is different and professional training/coaching is required.

It is my belief that any individual (even at the age of 5) can learn to stop most bullying situations before they escalate into physical violence. This is why my Son (also a Black Belt) and I have decided to write a very unique book on how to defuse bullying situations. These are legal, proven methods that work, and are not taught in our schools. It is our goal to empower everyone that reads this book with the knowledge, strength and wisdom to overcome all bullying situations.
In closing I would like to add that this blog is an excellent resource to open up communication and knowledge. Thank you!

Bruce Crary – President – American Martial Arts Certified Professionals
