Comments on: Common Sense or Self Defense? Stand Your Ground Laws! /common-sense-or-self-defense-stand-your-ground-laws/ Reviews of common self-defense, karate, and MMA issues Mon, 01 Jul 2013 16:25:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Self defense weapon guy /common-sense-or-self-defense-stand-your-ground-laws/comment-page-1/#comment-8126 Self defense weapon guy Thu, 27 Sep 2012 10:38:16 +0000 /?p=3286#comment-8126 I believe in the right to self defense in any case where you feel you are truly in danger of attack. Here in NH we still have an "open gun law" which means we can legally carry as long as it's not concealed. That being said... I still prefer to carry my stun gun and I also have a pepper spray for self defense. With these non lethal self defense weapons, if things get out of hand I can still defend myself without many of the legal (and moral) implications of killing anyone. P.S. love your site. Now that I know about it, I'll be visiting again. I believe in the right to self defense in any case where you feel you are truly in danger of attack.

Here in NH we still have an “open gun law” which means we can legally carry as long as it’s not concealed. That being said… I still prefer to carry my stun gun and I also have a pepper spray for self defense.

With these non lethal self defense weapons, if things get out of hand I can still defend myself without many of the legal (and moral) implications of killing anyone.

P.S. love your site. Now that I know about it, I’ll be visiting again.

By: Matt Klein /common-sense-or-self-defense-stand-your-ground-laws/comment-page-1/#comment-7995 Matt Klein Sun, 15 Jul 2012 03:47:48 +0000 /?p=3286#comment-7995 I share Female Martial Arts view, above, but common sense should prevail on the street. I learned a long time ago it is better not to engage in p*****g matches with other drivers. Better to ignore them if there is a problem, and having window tinting almost to the point of illegality is a good idea. If you lose it and give someone the finger, they can't see it, plus they don't know who they are dealing with. Keep your doors locked and keep your ego in check. Outside the vehicle, do not engage with loud, obnoxious people. If someone crosses the line, like you say John, give them some leeway as you don't know what kind of day they are having, or what drug they are on. Be respectful and walk away. If you can't make it clear to bystanders you don't want anything to do with them. If need be, hit first and hit hard. We in Australia have to worry far less about guns because so few have them, although it is increasing. I share Female Martial Arts view, above, but common sense should prevail on the street. I learned a long time ago it is better not to engage in p*****g matches with other drivers. Better to ignore them if there is a problem, and having window tinting almost to the point of illegality is a good idea. If you lose it and give someone the finger, they can’t see it, plus they don’t know who they are dealing with. Keep your doors locked and keep your ego in check. Outside the vehicle, do not engage with loud, obnoxious people. If someone crosses the line, like you say John, give them some leeway as you don’t know what kind of day they are having, or what drug they are on. Be respectful and walk away. If you can’t make it clear to bystanders you don’t want anything to do with them. If need be, hit first and hit hard.

We in Australia have to worry far less about guns because so few have them, although it is increasing.
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By: Female Martial Arts Fight Videos /common-sense-or-self-defense-stand-your-ground-laws/comment-page-1/#comment-7894 Female Martial Arts Fight Videos Sun, 24 Jun 2012 17:45:04 +0000 /?p=3286#comment-7894 I think Treyvon Martin's case is a tragedy but in general stand your ground laws are a good thing. Yes, when stand your ground laws are passed self defense killings go up by around 100% but what is rarely talked about is the fact that VICTIMS dying in those states goes down by more than the increased number of criminal deaths. I am ok with criminals dying instead of the victims. I think Treyvon Martin’s case is a tragedy but in general stand your ground laws are a good thing. Yes, when stand your ground laws are passed self defense killings go up by around 100% but what is rarely talked about is the fact that VICTIMS dying in those states goes down by more than the increased number of criminal deaths. I am ok with criminals dying instead of the victims.

By: John W. Zimmer /common-sense-or-self-defense-stand-your-ground-laws/comment-page-1/#comment-7833 John W. Zimmer Fri, 15 Jun 2012 01:34:02 +0000 /?p=3286#comment-7833 Yep - this is not an easy one to evaluate Dr. J. Thanks for your thoughts. Yep – this is not an easy one to evaluate Dr. J. Thanks for your thoughts.

By: Dr. J /common-sense-or-self-defense-stand-your-ground-laws/comment-page-1/#comment-7823 Dr. J Wed, 13 Jun 2012 19:47:20 +0000 /?p=3286#comment-7823 In Florida now they are testing the Stand Your Ground law with the Trayvon Martin killing by George Zimmerman. My guess is that he will be set free and the law will stand. I think that it's very hard to know what really happened in many cases while others are very simple. This current Florida case, in my opinion, involved two people who share the blame except only one of them is dead. Like many laws, the intention is all right, but in practice it doesn't always turn out that way. Of course my real feelings wishes none of this was needed. Being a surgeon who has had to fix so many of the results of violence can be quite sobering. In Florida now they are testing the Stand Your Ground law with the Trayvon Martin killing by George Zimmerman. My guess is that he will be set free and the law will stand.

I think that it’s very hard to know what really happened in many cases while others are very simple. This current Florida case, in my opinion, involved two people who share the blame except only one of them is dead.

Like many laws, the intention is all right, but in practice it doesn’t always turn out that way. Of course my real feelings wishes none of this was needed. Being a surgeon who has had to fix so many of the results of violence can be quite sobering.
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