Comments on: Fighting for Peace? What’s This? /fighting-for-peace-whats-this/ Reviews of common self-defense, karate, and MMA issues Tue, 18 Oct 2011 05:32:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan Stratton /fighting-for-peace-whats-this/comment-page-1/#comment-4589 Dan Stratton Fri, 29 Oct 2010 11:42:28 +0000 /?p=2768#comment-4589 Hello, "True self-defense is to protect yourself without injuring your attacker"-J.Mitose. Safe-Defense is new and uses problem solving to address the problem behind an aggression, often before things escalate. Many attacks are from criminal or random events, but many, many more are not. They're based on a problem or mis-perception. I have developed Safe-Defense which focuses on the problem and not the person. View my short animations (Peace Think, Peace Talk and Peace Moves) for free at my virtual dojo at: Feel free to pass the techniques on or teach them yourself but please call them Safe-Defense. Hello,

“True self-defense is to protect yourself without injuring your attacker”-J.Mitose. Safe-Defense is new and uses problem solving to address the problem behind an aggression, often before things escalate. Many attacks are from criminal or random events, but many, many more are not. They’re based on a problem or mis-perception.

I have developed Safe-Defense which focuses on the problem and not the person. View my short animations (Peace Think, Peace Talk and Peace Moves) for free at my virtual dojo at: Feel free to pass the techniques on or teach them yourself but please call them Safe-Defense.

By: Eharris /fighting-for-peace-whats-this/comment-page-1/#comment-4558 Eharris Wed, 20 Oct 2010 20:56:16 +0000 /?p=2768#comment-4558 Brazil is kinda wild. I mean, the country is on the cusp of becoming a world player. But, many of the people actually live in some pretty bad conditions. I know we get more requests from Brazil than any country outside the US to purchase stun guns. Crazy! <a href="" rel="nofollow">TASER Gun</a> Brazil is kinda wild. I mean, the country is on the cusp of becoming a world player. But, many of the people actually live in some pretty bad conditions. I know we get more requests from Brazil than any country outside the US to purchase stun guns. Crazy!


By: Martial Arts News – 10.17.10 « Striking Thoughts /fighting-for-peace-whats-this/comment-page-1/#comment-4548 Martial Arts News – 10.17.10 « Striking Thoughts Sun, 17 Oct 2010 19:45:18 +0000 /?p=2768#comment-4548 [...] Zimmer discusses fighting for peace. Apparently in the favela’s (slums) some cops have been working with the youth to reach out with [...] [...] Zimmer discusses fighting for peace. Apparently in the favela’s (slums) some cops have been working with the youth to reach out with [...]

By: TheMartialArtsReporter /fighting-for-peace-whats-this/comment-page-1/#comment-4547 TheMartialArtsReporter Sun, 17 Oct 2010 12:04:21 +0000 /?p=2768#comment-4547 John, Another great find. The topic you bring up is very thought-provoking. I wholeheartedly agree with you that especially kids and teens (but not only!) have to been given hope to change their situation and outlook. They also need the tools how to alter their belief in them-selves in a positive manner and to put it all into action. This is a tough one, especially in places like the favelas. Fight For Peace is definitely one of many ways and grassroots organizations (without the government redtape) to make real change. John, thanks again for a great post and making me aware of Fight For Peace. John,
Another great find.
The topic you bring up is very thought-provoking.
I wholeheartedly agree with you that especially kids and
teens (but not only!) have to been given hope to change their situation and outlook.
They also need the tools how to alter their belief in them-selves in a positive manner and to put it all into action.
This is a tough one, especially in places like the favelas.
Fight For Peace is definitely one of many ways and grassroots organizations (without the government redtape) to make real change.
John, thanks again for a great post and making me aware of Fight For Peace.

By: John W. Zimmer /fighting-for-peace-whats-this/comment-page-1/#comment-4545 John W. Zimmer Sat, 16 Oct 2010 17:47:29 +0000 /?p=2768#comment-4545 Hey Chris! Rize looks interesting... read the reviews. Anything including getting into dance is a good alternative outlet then getting into gangs. Thanks for pointing this out. Hi Matt! I seem to remember you mentioning the favelas before? Thanks for the first hand account and I would not go there as a tourist. I too like hope because without that there is only a bad deal. There are many solutions however so but the biggest hurdle I think is helping people believe they can surmount obstacles. Thanks for your insight Matt. Hey Chris! Rize looks interesting… read the reviews. Anything including getting into dance is a good alternative outlet then getting into gangs. Thanks for pointing this out.

Hi Matt! I seem to remember you mentioning the favelas before? Thanks for the first hand account and I would not go there as a tourist. I too like hope because without that there is only a bad deal. There are many solutions however so but the biggest hurdle I think is helping people believe they can surmount obstacles. Thanks for your insight Matt.

By: Matt Klein /fighting-for-peace-whats-this/comment-page-1/#comment-4540 Matt Klein Thu, 14 Oct 2010 13:10:04 +0000 /?p=2768#comment-4540 Great post John. I have been to the favelas in Rio. You don't go in there unless you are invited. Luckily my driver knew a guy who lived there and had a bit of "juice" in the neighborhood. It is not pretty there. No electricity or phone or sewage in a lot of the places. Rivers of mud during the rainy season because there is no pavement or drainage. There is a law unto itself in each favella as the drug lord controls the economy, dispenses justice as needed, or dishes out resources as he sees fit. Cops don't even go there--is it is too dangerous, unless they are after someone important, and then they come in with an army. The reason; the guy said it best in the first video, poverty and hopelessness. There is no middle class there. There is a tiny group of people who control the wealth and the vast majority are poor. The heroes and role models in the favellas are the drug lords. This is unlikely to change. I'm glad this program offers some hope, John. Great post John. I have been to the favelas in Rio. You don’t go in there unless you are invited. Luckily my driver knew a guy who lived there and had a bit of “juice” in the neighborhood. It is not pretty there. No electricity or phone or sewage in a lot of the places. Rivers of mud during the rainy season because there is no pavement or drainage. There is a law unto itself in each favella as the drug lord controls the economy, dispenses justice as needed, or dishes out resources as he sees fit. Cops don’t even go there–is it is too dangerous, unless they are after someone important, and then they come in with an army. The reason; the guy said it best in the first video, poverty and hopelessness. There is no middle class there. There is a tiny group of people who control the wealth and the vast majority are poor. The heroes and role models in the favellas are the drug lords. This is unlikely to change. I’m glad this program offers some hope, John.
Matt Klein recently posted..Kids Defence- Tip 3My Profile

By: Chris | Martial Development /fighting-for-peace-whats-this/comment-page-1/#comment-4530 Chris | Martial Development Tue, 12 Oct 2010 08:30:45 +0000 /?p=2768#comment-4530 You might be interested in the movie Rize. It's about ghetto kids who take up a very aggressive form of dancing, in order to stay out of trouble. You might be interested in the movie Rize. It’s about ghetto kids who take up a very aggressive form of dancing, in order to stay out of trouble.
Chris | Martial Development recently posted..Why Are White Belt Fighters So DangerousMy Profile
