Comments on: Fighting Spirit! Can it be Taught? /fighting-spirit-can-it-be-taught/ Reviews of common self-defense, karate, and MMA issues Sat, 05 Nov 2011 13:39:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: jason @ security door chains /fighting-spirit-can-it-be-taught/comment-page-1/#comment-6215 jason @ security door chains Sat, 05 Nov 2011 13:39:15 +0000 /?p=3174#comment-6215 I would like to think that we all have that fighting spirit within us and use it when we have to - even though we don't know that it is there - along with strength we don't know that we have either. How else would people be able to lift cars off of others as has happened? I remember being cornered by a gang of young lads when I was 20. Thought on my feet, broke through them and ran to a skip where there was a large piece of wood. I screamed at them and swung the wood. Their pack mentality disappeared and I escaped. Fighting spirit! I would like to think that we all have that fighting spirit within us and use it when we have to – even though we don’t know that it is there – along with strength we don’t know that we have either. How else would people be able to lift cars off of others as has happened?

I remember being cornered by a gang of young lads when I was 20. Thought on my feet, broke through them and ran to a skip where there was a large piece of wood. I screamed at them and swung the wood. Their pack mentality disappeared and I escaped.

Fighting spirit!
jason @ security door chains recently posted..The best ways to beat the door step criminalMy Profile

By: Dr. J /fighting-spirit-can-it-be-taught/comment-page-1/#comment-6180 Dr. J Wed, 02 Nov 2011 20:05:31 +0000 /?p=3174#comment-6180 Excellent discussion, John! I would like to think that, just like bedside manor for a doctor, fighting spirit can be developed. It's part example, part learned, and perhaps most important, part desired. I've been in a few battles, but nothing brought out my spirit more than that day when I faced that pack of pit bulls and was not top of the food chain! I had no idea that I could draw on that kind of spirit, not having really faced a situation quite that serious ever before. I definitely reached back into my primordial roots :-) Excellent discussion, John!

I would like to think that, just like bedside manor for a doctor, fighting spirit can be developed. It’s part example, part learned, and perhaps most important, part desired.

I’ve been in a few battles, but nothing brought out my spirit more than that day when I faced that pack of pit bulls and was not top of the food chain! I had no idea that I could draw on that kind of spirit, not having really faced a situation quite that serious ever before. I definitely reached back into my primordial roots :-)
Dr. J recently posted..Calories Per Dollar: When Cheap Food Means Fattening FoodMy Profile

By: Matt Klein /fighting-spirit-can-it-be-taught/comment-page-1/#comment-6177 Matt Klein Wed, 02 Nov 2011 12:04:59 +0000 /?p=3174#comment-6177 Liked this post John. Agree with you fully that fighting spirit can be taught. Have seen so many kids in our schools scared to death of sparring, flinching, looking away, but through many rounds they slowly get used to it. You can see the confidence in the way they move. An attacker can sense it and that is half the battle. Assailants do not expect a good fight in most cases. You read so many stories in the paper about an abduction attempt that was put to a dead halt by a kick to the groin or a punch to the nose. Many times the defender was untrained. Survival instinct kicks in. That girl swinging the belt buckle surprised the devil out of those boys. Remember sparring with Andy Selcer. He could hit me with everything but the kitchen sink. A true legend. Liked this post John. Agree with you fully that fighting spirit can be taught. Have seen so many kids in our schools scared to death of sparring, flinching, looking away, but through many rounds they slowly get used to it. You can see the confidence in the way they move. An attacker can sense it and that is half the battle.

Assailants do not expect a good fight in most cases. You read so many stories in the paper about an abduction attempt that was put to a dead halt by a kick to the groin or a punch to the nose. Many times the defender was untrained. Survival instinct kicks in. That girl swinging the belt buckle surprised the devil out of those boys.

Remember sparring with Andy Selcer. He could hit me with everything but the kitchen sink. A true legend.
Matt Klein recently posted..Learning About Teaching from the Best in the WorldMy Profile
