Comments on: Knife Attacks! Are You Ready? /knife-attacks-are-you-ready/ Reviews of common self-defense, karate, and MMA issues Sun, 05 Jan 2014 18:37:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Klein /knife-attacks-are-you-ready/comment-page-1/#comment-9921 Tue, 05 Nov 2013 09:45:07 +0000 /?p=3348#comment-9921 I am listening to Lunatic Fringe on the radio now….appropriate. The movie shows the reality of fighting a person with a knife–ambushes, unorthodox holding of weapon, missing with guns. Like you say John, if you are a trained fighter, the odds are better. I think many would panic, but the more you have been “in deep doo-doo” the better. It is possible to survive.

Kali is one art that deals with the knife effectively, IMHO. Attacking the vital points while deflecting, and keeping the knife away by keeping constant contact are methods I have learned from it. The weapons translate to open hand techniques as well. And of course the streetfighting moves of Kenpo are effective. Vigilance is the key. Always be prepared for anything.
Matt Klein recently posted..How Martial Arts Builds Self-Discipline in ChildrenMy Profile

By: Firecat /knife-attacks-are-you-ready/comment-page-1/#comment-9916 Tue, 22 Oct 2013 07:08:27 +0000 /?p=3348#comment-9916 I agree with you john a persons best choice of self defense is to learn how to fight.

By: John W. Zimmer /knife-attacks-are-you-ready/comment-page-1/#comment-8656 Sun, 28 Apr 2013 06:29:56 +0000 /?p=3348#comment-8656 Hi Dave – I don’t twitter, face book or most any other social networks – not that I don’t have anything to say – I just thing most is not interesting (and I know I’m not interested in others day to day thoughts. I did check out your site and enjoyed it.

Hi Dr. J! I’m not a big fan of weapons but see them as needed sometimes for self defense. I hate facing a weapon but it is good to know even the “experts” don’t realizing an over dependence on the weapon – that actually give a smart karate person a hope of a good defense… with a bit of luck.

Hi JeanneD! – No real advice but I will say a person tends to fight the way they train. If you view all attacks as the same with various defense strategies – I think you have a good shot. I know what works for me but other fighting methods are good too. Actually training gives you a good chance.

By: JeanneD /knife-attacks-are-you-ready/comment-page-1/#comment-8602 Sun, 21 Apr 2013 19:50:53 +0000 /?p=3348#comment-8602 Hi John, I can’t imagine how I would feel if confronted by a knife attack. My best possible solution is to practice over and over, both in my mind and in reality, what I need to do and, hopefully, my reaction will be automatic and I won’t have to think about it.


By: Dr. J /knife-attacks-are-you-ready/comment-page-1/#comment-8578 Sun, 14 Apr 2013 18:40:00 +0000 /?p=3348#comment-8578 Nice to see you writing again, John!

I have never had to face a knife attack! I was on call in the ER one time when two men arrived, both in critical condition. One had shot the other, and the other had stabbed the first man. We divided our personal as best we could and went to work. The person with the gunshot lived and the person with the knife wound died!
Dr. J recently posted..Lab Notes: Olive Oil Scent May Help Curb Appetites; Few Contact Lens Wearers Obey Safety RulesMy Profile

By: Dave Flaherty /knife-attacks-are-you-ready/comment-page-1/#comment-8565 Fri, 12 Apr 2013 14:14:07 +0000 /?p=3348#comment-8565 Hi John,
An interesting post, I’d like to share with our audience as you bring up key points about psychology and survival. It can be that in the unfortunate situation where you are stabbed that is not the fatal blow. It is the other 1 or more that happen after, because you possibly give up or succumb to the fear and your defence disappears.

I would like to follow you on twitter but unsure what your twitter handle is, if you do use twitter. Could you send me a message ? @dave4safety
All the best,
David Flaherty
