Comments on: Self Defense Stances; Surprise Your Attacker! /self-defense-stances-surprise-your-attacker/ Reviews of common self-defense, karate, and MMA issues Tue, 15 May 2012 20:07:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Zara /self-defense-stances-surprise-your-attacker/comment-page-1/#comment-7514 Zara Wed, 28 Mar 2012 19:56:42 +0000 /?p=3252#comment-7514 What I would do if someone got aggressive is a) step back in a non-threatening posture (modified fighting stance with hands open and the front foot slightly twisted inward to protect the groin: this is not an agressive, obvious or formal stance) and b) verbal de-escalation. My goal in self-defense is (in order of importance): 1) protect myself from harm and b) make sure I don't end up with a criminal record and jail-time. Like I stated before on this blog the law here is pretty strict when it comes to SD so I wouldn't attack first unless he's really big or he has friends. When he's winding up for a strike I'll try to get my kick or punch in first but in the eyes of onlookers I want there to be no doubt as to who started to fight and hence who's responsible (morally and legally). I don't want to go to jail because some drunken fool or scumbag tries to get funny although strategicall speaking pre-emptive strikes are great (get him before he gets you; stop hit/kick tactic in JKD) and your best bet at victory. In summarizing: I want to avoid the suckerpunch (him getting too close for me to defend properly) and if I really must I'll take the initiative (e.g you find yourself backed into a corner) but for me there are other considerations than victory alone. First I'll back off and try to talk him down, if that doesn't work I'll blast in as soon as he makes a move but not before, unless the conditions mentioned before were present. As to the hands in the pocket situation: it's great that it worked and clearly much depends on a correct assesment of the situation (yours was obviously on the mark) but to me it does seem rather risky in the sense that the moment you lower your hands he has a free line to your face. What I would do if someone got aggressive is a) step back in a non-threatening posture (modified fighting stance with hands open and the front foot slightly twisted inward to protect the groin: this is not an agressive, obvious or formal stance) and b) verbal de-escalation. My goal in self-defense is (in order of importance): 1) protect myself from harm and b) make sure I don’t end up with a criminal record and jail-time. Like I stated before on this blog the law here is pretty strict when it comes to SD so I wouldn’t attack first unless he’s really big or he has friends. When he’s winding up for a strike I’ll try to get my kick or punch in first but in the eyes of onlookers I want there to be no doubt as to who started to fight and hence who’s responsible (morally and legally). I don’t want to go to jail because some drunken fool or scumbag tries to get funny although strategicall speaking pre-emptive strikes are great (get him before he gets you; stop hit/kick tactic in JKD) and your best bet at victory.

In summarizing: I want to avoid the suckerpunch (him getting too close for me to defend properly) and if I really must I’ll take the initiative (e.g you find yourself backed into a corner) but for me there are other considerations than victory alone. First I’ll back off and try to talk him down, if that doesn’t work I’ll blast in as soon as he makes a move but not before, unless the conditions mentioned before were present.

As to the hands in the pocket situation: it’s great that it worked and clearly much depends on a correct assesment of the situation (yours was obviously on the mark) but to me it does seem rather risky in the sense that the moment you lower your hands he has a free line to your face.

By: Rick Saxby /self-defense-stances-surprise-your-attacker/comment-page-1/#comment-7149 Rick Saxby Thu, 16 Feb 2012 21:32:28 +0000 /?p=3252#comment-7149 This is awesome and hilarious but oh so true. I love that part at the end were you said you put your hands in your pockets to get the guy to put his guard down, then BAM! Very true, don't lose the element of surprise. This is awesome and hilarious but oh so true. I love that part at the end were you said you put your hands in your pockets to get the guy to put his guard down, then BAM! Very true, don’t lose the element of surprise.
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By: TheMartialArtsReporter /self-defense-stances-surprise-your-attacker/comment-page-1/#comment-7136 TheMartialArtsReporter Wed, 15 Feb 2012 13:03:36 +0000 /?p=3252#comment-7136 Why do keep on reminding of me of my yesteryears? ;) John, I also happen to have found the side stance with a powerful side kick to be very effective during my Shotokan karate years. Later on, I would apply more of what Matt described as "I don't want any trouble" stance. Hmmm. Great post that got me thinking. Cheers! Why do keep on reminding of me of my yesteryears? ;)
John, I also happen to have found the side stance with a powerful side kick to be very effective during my Shotokan karate years.
Later on, I would apply more of what Matt described as “I don’t want any trouble” stance. Hmmm.
Great post that got me thinking.
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By: John W. Zimmer /self-defense-stances-surprise-your-attacker/comment-page-1/#comment-7107 John W. Zimmer Sat, 11 Feb 2012 21:16:56 +0000 /?p=3252#comment-7107 Hey Dr J! I love the context! Wow what a way to discover the other guy. Once a fight digresses to actual combat - I'm more of a side stance kind of guy because most people just do not understand what a hard side kick can do. It also keeps them off of me while I have time to figure out their openings. :) Hey Matt! I once went to the point of leaving myself open because I had evaluated the guy would not take action unless I was aggressive. That worked out ok but was not ideal. I had the advantage of knowing his buddie - a former heavyweight contender in boxing in the 80's. Anyway whatever happened - I was at the height of my prime and could have taken a couple of shots from almost anyone at the time. NOT a good strategy for most. :) Hey Stephen! While I agree that Krav Maga is as good as any system - I don't think the system is as important as the fighter. I used to fight open tourneys and saw elite fighters of every style. More to the point - a world contender of any style can take 99.5% of all fighters. What I mean is a great Judoist or Boxer can take most of the average MMA or Thai Kickboxers just as the great MMA or Muai Thai Kickboxers can take most of the average Judoists or Boxers. This is assuming no rules on the street. The thing about champions is they think outside of the box and are the elite of their chosen martial art. They can easily overcome new situations - they are true masters. I guess we will have to disagree on any style having an edge. Thanks for your points though. :) Hey Dr J! I love the context! Wow what a way to discover the other guy. Once a fight digresses to actual combat – I’m more of a side stance kind of guy because most people just do not understand what a hard side kick can do. It also keeps them off of me while I have time to figure out their openings. :)

Hey Matt! I once went to the point of leaving myself open because I had evaluated the guy would not take action unless I was aggressive. That worked out ok but was not ideal. I had the advantage of knowing his buddie – a former heavyweight contender in boxing in the 80′s.

Anyway whatever happened – I was at the height of my prime and could have taken a couple of shots from almost anyone at the time. NOT a good strategy for most. :)

Hey Stephen! While I agree that Krav Maga is as good as any system – I don’t think the system is as important as the fighter. I used to fight open tourneys and saw elite fighters of every style.

More to the point – a world contender of any style can take 99.5% of all fighters. What I mean is a great Judoist or Boxer can take most of the average MMA or Thai Kickboxers just as the great MMA or Muai Thai Kickboxers can take most of the average Judoists or Boxers. This is assuming no rules on the street.

The thing about champions is they think outside of the box and are the elite of their chosen martial art. They can easily overcome new situations – they are true masters.

I guess we will have to disagree on any style having an edge. Thanks for your points though. :)

By: Stephen Del Castillo /self-defense-stances-surprise-your-attacker/comment-page-1/#comment-7098 Stephen Del Castillo Sat, 11 Feb 2012 12:51:49 +0000 /?p=3252#comment-7098 Great Post! Thought I might weigh in with some supportive comments. All martial arts training is good training - but only if it's realistic training. I have studied many systems over the last 30 years and hold several black belts. It's my personal opinion that although each style has much to offer, Krav Maga is the ultimate fighting system. Here's why I believe this - Krav Maga is both easy to learn and devastating in its application - because there's only 1 rule to learn ... which is that there are no rules - except perhaps to get home safely. Moreover, to be effective, I teach my students (1) to know their limitations (everyone's Krav is slightly different) (2) to know how to avoid trouble to begin with (per the comments on being alert) and (3) how to escape. If your interested in learning more, please visit with me at .... meanwhile, thanks for allowing me to share. Regards, Shihan Stephen Del Castillo Great Post! Thought I might weigh in with some supportive comments. All martial arts training is good training – but only if it’s realistic training. I have studied many systems over the last 30 years and hold several black belts. It’s my personal opinion that although each style has much to offer, Krav Maga is the ultimate fighting system. Here’s why I believe this – Krav Maga is both easy to learn and devastating in its application – because there’s only 1 rule to learn … which is that there are no rules – except perhaps to get home safely. Moreover, to be effective, I teach my students (1) to know their limitations (everyone’s Krav is slightly different) (2) to know how to avoid trouble to begin with (per the comments on being alert) and (3) how to escape. If your interested in learning more, please visit with me at …. meanwhile, thanks for allowing me to share. Regards, Shihan Stephen Del Castillo

By: Matt Klein /self-defense-stances-surprise-your-attacker/comment-page-1/#comment-7092 Matt Klein Fri, 10 Feb 2012 23:27:10 +0000 /?p=3252#comment-7092 Enjoyed the post, John. Guy in first video makes some good points, he is side-on, protecting the center line. Even though a groin shot could be open, it could be blocked by turning hips/legs slightly. Most likely an attacker will strike to the face, which he is protecting by building his "fence" with his palms facing the opponent. This is the classic "I don't want any trouble" stance, but can be quickly turned into a palm heel to the nose/chin, or a half-fist/eye poke. Like you say, stay calm and try to diffuse the situation. Your voice is your best weapon in most cases. Do not let your opponent engage your ego/pride, and don't force his hand by insulting his (or hers). I would only strike first if I knew an attack was coming or if I was outnumbered and needed to escape, but do agree that getting the first good shot in is a big advantage. Enjoyed the post, John. Guy in first video makes some good points, he is side-on, protecting the center line. Even though a groin shot could be open, it could be blocked by turning hips/legs slightly. Most likely an attacker will strike to the face, which he is protecting by building his “fence” with his palms facing the opponent. This is the classic “I don’t want any trouble” stance, but can be quickly turned into a palm heel to the nose/chin, or a half-fist/eye poke.

Like you say, stay calm and try to diffuse the situation. Your voice is your best weapon in most cases. Do not let your opponent engage your ego/pride, and don’t force his hand by insulting his (or hers).

I would only strike first if I knew an attack was coming or if I was outnumbered and needed to escape, but do agree that getting the first good shot in is a big advantage.
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By: Dr. J /self-defense-stances-surprise-your-attacker/comment-page-1/#comment-7070 Dr. J Wed, 08 Feb 2012 14:04:10 +0000 /?p=3252#comment-7070 Another excellent thought out piece, John! When I read the first page and watched the video, which I liked, I did think maybe hold up one hand, and have the other a little lower to protect the groin if the attacker went there without warning. I was reminded of one evening when I left a woman's apartment late at night only to be met by her "boyfriend" who I had known nothing about! I managed to avoid a fight, but I stayed very alert until we went our separate ways :-) Another excellent thought out piece, John! When I read the first page and watched the video, which I liked, I did think maybe hold up one hand, and have the other a little lower to protect the groin if the attacker went there without warning. I was reminded of one evening when I left a woman’s apartment late at night only to be met by her “boyfriend” who I had known nothing about!
I managed to avoid a fight, but I stayed very alert until we went our separate ways :-)
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