Comments on: Women Kick Nuts – Gouge Eyes; Get Away! /women-kick-nuts-gouge-eyes-get-away/ Reviews of common self-defense, karate, and MMA issues Tue, 18 Oct 2011 05:32:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: John W. Zimmer /women-kick-nuts-gouge-eyes-get-away/comment-page-1/#comment-5115 John W. Zimmer Mon, 31 Jan 2011 01:10:42 +0000 /?p=2368#comment-5115 Wow... I just realized I have not been responding to this post... sorry folks... let me try now: Thanks MMA Guide! Hi Marciais, Thanks but I use google chrome translator. It makes visiting international web pages easy. I like reading your blog. Hi Pat, I agree that it is the opponent you don't see or know about that can swing a fight. That was what I worried about when I was a door man. Good point! Hi, Girls in training do tend to be a bit squeamish at times but many do transition well in combat. I think it depends on the training and woman. I think being very supportive especially if you see a training opportunity to share with your female students is probably the best way to handle this. Thanks for your comment. Hi Carl, I think Krav is as good as any martial art. I just don't think it is special. We all have the same weapons (hands, feet, elbows, knees, teeth...) and about the same ways of applying them. We just put them together differently perhaps. My advice would be for someone to go out there and do something! Thanks for your comment. Bravo Julie! I am glad to hear that. I think most people would do the same in a real situation (at least I hope so). Zara - Yes I do see your point. There is some fluff with the example I found. Thanks for keeping me honest. Hi Andy, Yes and yes. I think maybe short term self defense such as RAD might be a good place to start but girls and women should know that they are responsible for their own self defense at least for the first few minutes in the best case scenario. I would argue that I would have to defend my home for the first 5 to 10 minutes until the cops got there and I could not depend on anyone but me and my family initially. That is one of the things that drove me to learning some self defense at first. Girls and women realizing they are the first line of defense might motivate some to action! At least I hope so. Thanks for your comment. Wow… I just realized I have not been responding to this post… sorry folks… let me try now:

Thanks MMA Guide!

Hi Marciais, Thanks but I use google chrome translator. It makes visiting international web pages easy. I like reading your blog.

Hi Pat, I agree that it is the opponent you don’t see or know about that can swing a fight. That was what I worried about when I was a door man. Good point!

Hi, Girls in training do tend to be a bit squeamish at times but many do transition well in combat. I think it depends on the training and woman. I think being very supportive especially if you see a training opportunity to share with your female students is probably the best way to handle this. Thanks for your comment.

Hi Carl, I think Krav is as good as any martial art. I just don’t think it is special. We all have the same weapons (hands, feet, elbows, knees, teeth…) and about the same ways of applying them. We just put them together differently perhaps. My advice would be for someone to go out there and do something! Thanks for your comment.

Bravo Julie! I am glad to hear that. I think most people would do the same in a real situation (at least I hope so).

Zara – Yes I do see your point. There is some fluff with the example I found. Thanks for keeping me honest.

Hi Andy,

Yes and yes. I think maybe short term self defense such as RAD might be a good place to start but girls and women should know that they are responsible for their own self defense at least for the first few minutes in the best case scenario.

I would argue that I would have to defend my home for the first 5 to 10 minutes until the cops got there and I could not depend on anyone but me and my family initially. That is one of the things that drove me to learning some self defense at first. Girls and women realizing they are the first line of defense might motivate some to action! At least I hope so. Thanks for your comment.

By: Andy Jeffreys /women-kick-nuts-gouge-eyes-get-away/comment-page-1/#comment-5107 Andy Jeffreys Sun, 30 Jan 2011 02:27:06 +0000 /?p=2368#comment-5107 Women can definately defend themselves if given the correct training, but i think alot of women are reluctant to take part in this type of training. Women can definately defend themselves if given the correct training, but i think alot of women are reluctant to take part in this type of training.
Andy Jeffreys recently posted..Fight Dentist MouthguardsMy Profile

By: Zara /women-kick-nuts-gouge-eyes-get-away/comment-page-1/#comment-4060 Zara Fri, 30 Jul 2010 21:52:01 +0000 /?p=2368#comment-4060 I agree with the gist of the post but that first video: that’s just an awful kick, yet she seems pretty pleased with herself. This looks more like a warm-up/stretching exercise than an actual combative technique. First of all she loads up way too much, secondly she makes no effort whatsoever to keep up her guard and thirdly she doesn’t lean away with her upper body. The main advantage of kicks over punches is that they offer reach (the attacker’s arm is still shorter than your leg, unless you happen to be a midget) and she doesn’t use this at all. With a groinkick the main thing is to actually connect and don’t telegraph: the point isn’t to ‘kick his head off’ as she so eloquently put it but to hit him as fast as possible in one of the most vulnerable parts of the male anatomy (unless he’s on drugs he will go down and little force is needed to achieve this). Speed and accuracy are way more important than power and if he sees your technique coming a mile away you will not get away with it: any sexual predator knows the most likely physical response (if any) he’ll get is an attempted kick to the nuts, he’ll block or evade and then the woman is toast, especially when it’s an all or nothing affair like in this video. Keep your hands up, first fake to the eyes (or actually strike) then kick to the groin and preferably with the front foot (less distance to the target = less chance for him to block). The other way around works too (first a swift kick to the groin or shin, then a couple of blows to the head) but for heaven’s sake don’t do it like her! I’m sure she has good intentions but she’s a total amateur who clearly doesn’t know what she’s doing. This is the way a beginner kicks and she made all the classic mistakes, hell a 12 year old with two months of training could do it better. I’m all for self defense training for women but not if it’s taught by amateurs: perhaps it might even work with some drunken idiot or an over zealous Casanova but this will not deter a serious attacker. I’d like to see the look of surprise in this little thing’s eyes (followed by an expression of pain after getting hit, followed by sheer terror) if her ‘great and proven’ technique fails and everything falls apart around her, or on second thought I’d rather not. I’d take kung-fu girl anyday over her, if she actually charges for lessons it’s a rip-off and it’s going to get people killed sooner or later. Honestly… Here’s another one of her miserable attempts at self defense: hitting the arms on a choke isn’t going to do anything if the guy is even moderately strong and his adrenaline is flowing (even if you’d hit that pressure point with supreme accuracy), she does nothing to protect her balance (in reality he’s either going to try to drive through you or pull you in for a full force choke, headbutt, takedown… Then she goes in to knee with her hands all the way down: guess what will happen if you knee someone in the groin (provided she even got to that stage with her silly escape)? His head will jerk forward and you’ll be eating his forehead, at least if you do it this way. The yell and the warrior face was nice though… This is ridiculous. I agree with the gist of the post but that first video: that’s just an awful kick, yet she seems pretty pleased with herself. This looks more like a warm-up/stretching exercise than an actual combative technique. First of all she loads up way too much, secondly she makes no effort whatsoever to keep up her guard and thirdly she doesn’t lean away with her upper body. The main advantage of kicks over punches is that they offer reach (the attacker’s arm is still shorter than your leg, unless you happen to be a midget) and she doesn’t use this at all. With a groinkick the main thing is to actually connect and don’t telegraph: the point isn’t to ‘kick his head off’ as she so eloquently put it but to hit him as fast as possible in one of the most vulnerable parts of the male anatomy (unless he’s on drugs he will go down and little force is needed to achieve this). Speed and accuracy are way more important than power and if he sees your technique coming a mile away you will not get away with it: any sexual predator knows the most likely physical response (if any) he’ll get is an attempted kick to the nuts, he’ll block or evade and then the woman is toast, especially when it’s an all or nothing affair like in this video. Keep your hands up, first fake to the eyes (or actually strike) then kick to the groin and preferably with the front foot (less distance to the target = less chance for him to block). The other way around works too (first a swift kick to the groin or shin, then a couple of blows to the head) but for heaven’s sake don’t do it like her! I’m sure she has good intentions but she’s a total amateur who clearly doesn’t know what she’s doing. This is the way a beginner kicks and she made all the classic mistakes, hell a 12 year old with two months of training could do it better. I’m all for self defense training for women but not if it’s taught by amateurs: perhaps it might even work with some drunken idiot or an over zealous Casanova but this will not deter a serious attacker. I’d like to see the look of surprise in this little thing’s eyes (followed by an expression of pain after getting hit, followed by sheer terror) if her ‘great and proven’ technique fails and everything falls apart around her, or on second thought I’d rather not. I’d take kung-fu girl anyday over her, if she actually charges for lessons it’s a rip-off and it’s going to get people killed sooner or later. Honestly…

Here’s another one of her miserable attempts at self defense: hitting the arms on a choke isn’t going to do anything if the guy is even moderately strong and his adrenaline is flowing (even if you’d hit that pressure point with supreme accuracy), she does nothing to protect her balance (in reality he’s either going to try to drive through you or pull you in for a full force choke, headbutt, takedown… Then she goes in to knee with her hands all the way down: guess what will happen if you knee someone in the groin (provided she even got to that stage with her silly escape)? His head will jerk forward and you’ll be eating his forehead, at least if you do it this way. The yell and the warrior face was nice though… This is ridiculous.

By: julie /women-kick-nuts-gouge-eyes-get-away/comment-page-1/#comment-4054 julie Fri, 30 Jul 2010 13:15:30 +0000 /?p=2368#comment-4054 That is some great advice. I personally would not have any problem going for any soft spots, If I am being attacked. That is some great advice. I personally would not have any problem going for any soft spots, If I am being attacked.

By: Carl /women-kick-nuts-gouge-eyes-get-away/comment-page-1/#comment-3859 Carl Wed, 16 Jun 2010 08:10:06 +0000 /?p=2368#comment-3859 I would recommend a woman join a Krav Maga or military cqc class or police sd class for woman or bjj with kina mutai(eye gouging ,biting art)again with the object of getting up and running away.Keep fit and strong.Main targets eyes,throat,testicles.Main weapons kicks ,knee's to testicles,grab to testicles, poke into eyes and hollow of throat,biting soft face areas's like lips and eye brows, ears and neck,and punching throat etc.And awareness and shouting loud and a gun in the handbag. I would recommend a woman join a Krav Maga or military cqc class or police sd class for woman or bjj with kina mutai(eye gouging ,biting art)again with the object of getting up and running away.Keep fit and strong.Main targets eyes,throat,testicles.Main weapons kicks ,knee’s to testicles,grab to testicles, poke into eyes and hollow of throat,biting soft face areas’s like lips and eye brows, ears and neck,and punching throat etc.And awareness and shouting loud and a gun in the handbag.

By: /women-kick-nuts-gouge-eyes-get-away/comment-page-1/#comment-3385 Tue, 06 Apr 2010 09:49:51 +0000 /?p=2368#comment-3385 I think women in life or death situations also need to be less squeamish about biting soft areas such as the neck and face. Grabbing the groin may also be practical. Don't hold back - grab and rip! If you have something sharp, go for the eyes. If you have something hard, go for the temples. If you have something heavy, go for the teeth. If you think they're going to get up and run after you, put some kicks into the head. From the back of the head is safer - but you run a higher risk of killing the attacker with a strike to the temple or the base of the skull (or high on the back of the neck). I think women in life or death situations also need to be less squeamish about biting soft areas such as the neck and face. Grabbing the groin may also be practical. Don’t hold back – grab and rip! If you have something sharp, go for the eyes. If you have something hard, go for the temples. If you have something heavy, go for the teeth. If you think they’re going to get up and run after you, put some kicks into the head. From the back of the head is safer – but you run a higher risk of killing the attacker with a strike to the temple or the base of the skull (or high on the back of the neck).

By: pat /women-kick-nuts-gouge-eyes-get-away/comment-page-1/#comment-3313 pat Sat, 27 Mar 2010 11:20:16 +0000 /?p=2368#comment-3313 Great post. Paying attention to your surroundings is so important. Also when you are blindsided it really is lousy. Many times that's the way the fight goes and it is tough to recover from that. .-= pat´s last blog ..<a href="" rel="nofollow">Self Defense Training updated Sun Mar 7 2010 6:16 pm CST</a> =-. Great post. Paying attention to your surroundings is so important. Also when you are blindsided it really is lousy. Many times that’s the way the fight goes and it is tough to recover from that.
.-= pat´s last blog ..Self Defense Training updated Sun Mar 7 2010 6:16 pm CST =-.
