Archive for April 29th, 2009

Under: martial arts
29 Apr 2009


This is more of a housekeeping item but I would like to make everyone aware that I published my thesis that was required for my 5th degree black belt (Godan) test. I am a student of Richard “Dick” Willett’s, American Kenpo Karate (sanctioned by the American Kenpo Karate Association). I was enrolled in my second year of college at the time and had taken an English composition class to brush up on my writing skills. Let me just say my writing skills have improved in the last ten years and leave it at that. :)



I am publishing this document verbatim as it represented my work at that time. Please realize that it is somewhat of a position paper and not really a research paper – meaning that I am biased towards my own martial art. You will find this thesis at the top tab labeled, “Thesis” or click here.


I am always looking for interesting websites that I can share. Here are a few of the latest entries with a brief description.


  • Forensic Scientist Blog -> the top 50 self defense blogs
    • This site deals with forensic science, schools and they did some reviews of martial arts sites.
  • Jiu-Jitsu Sensi-> a jiu-jitsu school blog
    • A woman teacher that is taking other martial arts to keep current. She writes from a self-defense perspective as she reviews different situations and martial arts.
  • Just A Thought -> Michele’s blog
    • A student and instructor of Okinawa Kenpo Karate and Kobudo. Thoughts on Karate, Tai Chi, ACL Reconstruction and the Challenges of Parenting.
  • On My Own Two Feet -> Confessions of 41 year-old white belt
    • Martial Artess (Cheri Arbucke) studies taekwondo, where she holds the rank of yellow belt. She’s also dabbled in several other martial arts, including bojutsu, shotokan karate, t’ai chi, and fencing.
  • Systema-Steve Wildash -> Systema Russian Martial Arts
    • This is a cool site that reviews how to stick fight, weapons, defense against weapons and such.


I have also added a couple of cool pictures from the 1978 or 1979 Long Beach Internationals in the pictures section from by good friend David Hays. Check these out at the bottom of the pictures section.