Archive for September 26th, 2009

Urban Samurai’s Street Smart eBook!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
26 Sep 2009


I was happy to hear that Neil Martin of Urban Samurai had created a e-Book entitled, “Street Smart” that dealt with common self-defense issues! I have had to chance to review this book and I will give it a review in this post.


First off the title is aptly named, “Street Smart” because Mr. Martin is trying to make the connection that not all self-defense situations have to happen. Often times the decisions one makes in his or her own life can contribute to one’s safety! For instance how important is it to take the short-cut through a bad part of town? Neil  injects lots of good common sense into this book.


I will go over some of the many points  of this book for your consideration in this post. At the end I will offer my opinion of the usefulness of this work for students of the martial arts.


Cover of Street Smart, displayed under Fair Use

Cover of Street Smart, displayed under Fair Use


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