Women’s Self-Defense Class in San Diego!
25 May 2010
Here is an upcoming women’s self defense class in San Diego for anyone interested. I know both Dr. Mick Leone and Professor Todd McElhinney from the San Diego American Kenpo Karate school. If you are looking for good self-defense instructors – both Mick and Todd have taught martial arts for over 30 years.

Look Mean; Avoid Fights?
8 May 2010
Ok imagine you are on the way to the airport in a major US city but you have to fill up the gas tank. It is 4:30 a.m. in the morning and you’ve found a station near the airport! Unfortunately this airport is near the barrio and some of the people are plain scary looking.
You get out but wonder if there is a way to keep people from messing with you. I don’t know about you but I’ve lived so many stories like this in my life and learned early on that you have to project an image of “Don’t mess with me!” if you expect bad guys to steer clear!
In this post I’ll try and explore what how you look has to do with your likelihood of getting into a fight. I mean should how you look have any bearing on your fighting ability? Do people prejudge you (wimp – duke)? Should you buy into other peoples realities and try and look the part? To start this off, take a look at this video.
Girls Attacked Jogging in SoCal; What Can We Do?
7 Mar 2010
I’m sure that you have heard about the rash of girls attacked in Southern California lately. Is there any one answer? Is it safe for girls to go out of the house anymore? Is is fair that girls can be victimized like this?
There are far too many of these questions that people think of to rationalize their view – so the world still makes sense if you will. While I generally think that girls and women that go out running alone with sparse people around, are at higher risk. I still tend to think that the vast majority of these girls and women will not get assaulted.
This is of no value to the girls that do get attacked. First off it is not fair that girls have to take more precautions then boys do. Boys have to be careful too but seem to take more chances then girls do and end up ok more often. This is a feeling I get and have not validated it statistically (based on my own experience.
In this post I will talk a bit and like to stories of the recent victims. I will talk about women’s equal rights and expectation of safety in a free society and how this should be mitigated by reality. I will stress that none of they girls did anything wrong. There are just some bad people in the world. I will talk about how I try to stay safe and the precautions I have to take and how girls and women might adjust their safety plan to decrease their exposure to risk. Here is one video of recent events to start the dialog.
Something Strange Going On? Check Out Paranormaland!
21 Feb 2010
I remember back to the 1980′s when Ghost Busters first came out and I thought wouldn’t it we weird if there were really things that went bump in the night? I am the type of guy that does not think twice about going into the woods at night. I figure the worst that can happen to me is a momentary surprise before I take care of the offending animal. But what about the strange, abby normal and downright supernatural?
Well I, like many, have been curious about spirits, monsters, aliens, and hauntings so imagine my excitement when my wife (Sly) created her website a couple of years ago called Paranormaland! Now I know that ghosts and werewolves are not my normal subject of self-defense but what if that is happening to you? I mean where do you go for the straight dope on supernatural, out of this world and weird things you do not know about? Well one place is Paranormaland.com!
In this post I will give an overview of some of the topics discussed on Paranormaland and how some of these topics might help one in a real life self-defense situation. However most of the topics are just strange and interesting. Here is how the top of the website looks.
Road Rage! What About Sticks and Stones?
16 Feb 2010
I had a funny situation happen to me today on my run. You see I like to run a hill a couple of miles away from the house. On the jog over, as I was running over the bridge to Santee Lakes, I heard some profanity as well as saw a coffee creamer appear on the sidewalk in front of me. Wow I thought – what was happening… but as my head spun around I saw only a bunch of cars in traffic running through the light.
I would like to say I was not agitated but that would be a lie. In this post I would like to re-examine what road rage is and how one can deal with it if it happens to you. I will follow up with possible actions and repercussions of ones actions in any road rage incident. Here to set the stage is one video of how quickly an incident can happen.
How to Fight with Martial Arts!
10 Jan 2010
Before I begin there are some great fights coming tonight in the WEC! Varner vs Henderson should be good to watch plus the two former WEC Featherweight champs (Brown and Faber) are each fighting others to get back in line to challenge Aldo.
The hardest thing about writing this blog is to stay on focus to the chief point I am trying to make or examine. This post is about how to fight using some type of martial art. One might view this topic as overly broad but in my mind it is easy.
I will first talk about martial fighting arts and some popular contests that portray martial artists fights! I will talk about what is fighting and then how one could use martial arts to fight in whatever venue you select. Finally I will wrap this up with how I fight with martial arts. Here is a quick video from the old Kung Fu series that explains how a wise man behaves.
Girls Self-Defense; Just Yell Fire!
As often happens in my search for exciting topics to write about, I was channel surfing and I came across (by accident) this girl, Dallas Jessup, speaking about a free DVD that teaches girls to stay safe and fight back! I got the web address and checked out the movie here.
Now I am a big proponent of women’s self-defense and I think any effort to pull together all of the facets in a successful defense are good. The problem with women’s self-defense normally are many girls and women think and feel like they are powerless against a bigger, stronger, and meaner male attacker!
In this post I’ll speak about the fallacy of this view that girls and women are powerless and examine this movie, Just Yell Fire, for you perusal. Here is a quick video trailer of the move. I encourage all to visit the website (http://www.JustYellFire.com) if you have any women in your family (most families have some) that might benefit.