Stunt Fights; What Fun!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: karate
28 Mar 2010


I remember back to the days of Batman and Robin, watching the fight scenes and imagining myself fighting! I mean I learned a lot about good guys and bad guys and how to throw a punch (I thought).


After I was running a karate school I had a student that used to do stunt work over at the Big Oak Ranch park. I did not ever get into stunt work but I know it is very technical. The most I’ve done is karate demonstrations with a little choreographed fight scenes.


In this post I’ll explore a bit about how stunts are created and show a couple of stunts. I will also highlight some of the stunt work by Zoe Bell in the Kill Bell series. Here is one fight scene I found on youtube that has some out-takes at the end.





I like how she goes skipping off into the sunset after taking on the thugs at the playground. Chelsea seemed to do a good job selling the karate moves in this fight scene. I did not really like the sound effects with each strike but I think many stunts have these sounds.


Looking at the out takes it is easy to see how exact the timing of each move must be for it to look real. I would liken it to more traditional two person kata. To sell a fighting stunt – I think it should be believable. Ahh heck… in today’s movies we suspend disbelief anyway. :)


Here is another fight scene I found on youtube of fight scene.




This fight was more technical and flowed better. It still had the cheese sound effects but one might believe that Shawn and Craig could really fight that way. I grew up on some great martial arts flicks with highly technical greats such as Bruce Lee in the Green Hornet and his later movies such as Enter the Dragon.


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What I like to see in a movie as a fighter, is some great, believable, and very realistic fights! I liked the movie Fight Club not for the highly technical moves but rather because when guys got hit hard – they did not get up.


Here is some behind the scenes in one of my all time favorite fun martial arts flicks – the Kill Bill series. The main fight scene starts at about 4 minutes.



Now that you have seen some of the work that it takes to pull off a successful fight scene I hope you too think that stunt fights are fun! I’ll close with one of the bloodiest – fun fight scenes leading up to the snowy garden fight above for your entertainment pleasure.


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One Response to “Stunt Fights; What Fun!”

  1. Pat Says:

    That looked like fun. Poor guys having to take it in the mouth once and a while.

    It sure is fun setting up fights but it takes work putting it together. I think I will do something like this on my blog. Thanks for the idea.
    .-= Pat´s last blog ..Self Defense Training updated Sat Mar 27 2010 1:40 am CDT =-.