Archive for September 8th, 2008

Why Did I Learn Karate – Why Shoud You?

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
8 Sep 2008


I remember watching the Miss America pageants when I was a kid and heard some of the contestants wishing for world peace. I would hear snickers and cynicism about that idea. On the face of it, world peace should be achievable if the worlds peoples were of a like mind. Then I remembered all of the movies I had seen about the good guys and the bad guys and when Reagan was elected – I heard about the evil empire. I soon figured out that this is an us and them kind of world. Maybe I should suspect that kind of reasoning but it makes sense that I am or my country is right and everyone else is wrong – Right?


Ok without expending the scope of this article to world peace, I would like to point out why I don’t really think bad guys will ever all come to the light and become good guys. People just think differently! Some people rationalize bad behavior like I do when I eat meat (by the way I like meat and will probably never stop eating it – but when I can afford free range chickens – I will probably start buying that). It is kind of a law of the jungle – eat or be eaten. Then there those of us that believe civilization has a chance and that some day people will care about their neighbors even if they do not agree with them or their lifestyle. Maybe I am a dreamer.


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