Archive for November 6th, 2008

Nut Kicks! Girls Get Away!!!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
6 Nov 2008


I have found a couple of good examples of girls (10 and 15 years old) waiting until the oppertune momement and kicking guys in the nuts to escape! The first story is of a girl being forced to walk with a guy (he had a gun) and then being partially undressed by this pig. The girl then kicked the guy in the nuts and got away. A passing motorist helped the girl get away.


The guy was 6’1″ tall and I don’t know from this story if he was caught. The interesting thing about stories like this is young girls can really hurt bad men if they keep their wits about them. In this case the girl apparently waited until guy did not have the gun and she had a good chance at kicking the nuts. Other good targets include eye pokes, half-fists to the throat, maybe an elbow to the face and such. The great thing about the kick was it put the guy in enough pain for the girl to get away (the goal of any defense)!


My only critique here (although this girl was great!) might have been for the girl to run when the guy first showed her the gun if there were cars and people nearby. My thinking is that most attackers will not shoot and the ones that do will probably miss. The alternative is usually not good for the victim (going with the asiliant). Before I talk about the next situation I found this video (on other self-defense blogs) of a Spanish girl kneeing another student.



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