Archive for November 20th, 2008

Under: karate
20 Nov 2008


We all know the object of a fight, you know, hit your opponent without getting hit back but do you know how to do that? Well one way to increase your percentage of hits verses misses is to increase your accuracy!


Wow, with this one statement where I have seemingly stated the obvious, one can put together a strategy and formulate a plan to increase your accuracy? Yes if you think about what accuracy is!


Accuracy is hitting your target. This does not mean your aim has to be better then the next guy or gal but rather you have to figure out a way to land punches. In this post I will explore ways to land kicks and punches that you otherwise might not. I will not talk too much about avoiding getting hit in this post but logically if you do that, you will probably increase your striking accuracy too! Here is one classic example of a sneak attack.



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