Archive for November 23rd, 2008

Karate Educates Pimp; Don’t Hit Girls!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: karate
23 Nov 2008


I saw this video on TV years ago and was surprised on the level of idiocy on the pimp’s part. Just because he scared the women, did not translate well into really being an intimidating figure. The guy had a poor education, maybe no father figure to teach him how to treat women.



When I was in the 4th grade, I made the mistake of slapping a girl back after she had just slapped me. The girl went crying home and told her mother, who told her father after he came home. The girls father came over to my house and told my father. My dad was embarrassed that his son (me) had broken one of societies rules – boys don’t hit girls!)! Well let me tell you that after my father had educated me – I was not able to sit down easily for days and had to apologize to the girl the very next day.



Society has conventions that transcend any laws that may come into play for a reason. Girls and women are boys and men’s partners in life and should be respected. If a girl mis-steps and strikes a boy – two wrongs do not make a right!!! Men should not ever hit women! Anyway review this video and I will try and tie karate principals to the pimp’s education.



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