Archive for February 7th, 2009

Girls Escape Kidnap Attempts!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
7 Feb 2009


A parents worst nightmare is if their child gets kidnapped. When I was a kid I remember having the run of the neighborhood during daylight hours. Why I could explore the nearby woods so long as I was back by dark. That was another time but there was crime even back then. I did save a couple of girls from my school in the woods on day as they were surrounded by four guys. More on this later but first I would like to draw attention to stories in the new about some girls escaping kidnapping attempts!


Hereis a link to the Modesto Bee story about girls walking home from school and in one case a car pulls over and the guys said her mother asked him to pick her (the girl) up. The girl ran to her grandmothers house! This girl was not so easily fooled by the would be kidnapper. The girl did exactly the right thing here. When my oldest son was about eight years old a similar thing happened. A truck pulled up and tried to cut my son off. Some ladies noticed the weird behaviour and yelled at me son to run! He did and my son was safe! I will look at the second kidnapping attempt and speak about how children can be safe. I will tell you how the girls from my school made out but first here is an example of what a girl can do if a guy tries to attack.



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