Archive for February 16th, 2010

Road Rage! What About Sticks and Stones?

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
16 Feb 2010


I had a funny situation happen to me today on my run. You see I like to run a hill a couple of miles away from the house. On the jog over, as I was running over the bridge to Santee Lakes, I heard some profanity as well as saw a coffee creamer appear on the sidewalk in front of me. Wow  I thought – what was happening… but as my head spun around I saw only a bunch of cars in traffic running through the light.


I would like to say I was not agitated but that would be a lie. In this post I would like to re-examine what road rage is and how one can deal with it if it happens to you. I will follow up with possible actions and repercussions of ones actions in any road rage incident. Here to set the stage is one video of how quickly an incident can happen.



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