Archive for April 12th, 2014

Under: Humor, Self-defense
12 Apr 2014


While searching the information super highway this morning for a topic I came across this story here. I could not believe what I was reading. I mean men were so threatened by women learning self defense they wanted to take the classes so women could not learn the “secret stuff” and beat them up? :)


While that is certainly humorous to think that, I think more is going on here. This men’s group seems to be an equal rights group for men. Maybe they are planning on suing to make some money because in some places men even go after ladies night promotions. I’m not so sure of the motivation in this case though.


In this post I’ll speak about self defense classes for women and why I think sort term women’s self defense classes should be gender biased to have the best chance at effectiveness.  First some comic relief from the onion.


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