Archive for the 'Self-defense' Category

Girls Kick Attackers in Nuts and Escape!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
20 Feb 2008


This is indeed a sad commentary on our civilization today that girls are not safe! A girl in Japan and another girl in Spain both fought off attackers by kicking them in the nuts! While it is true that there many great places to strike a man, the nuts are one of the easiest places for a girl to kick because bad men think they can just overpower a girl.


I found many examples of kicks to the groin on but most of them seemed to be really staged. This one seems to be real to me but the guy might be wearing a cup. The reason for showing this video is for girls and women to see what effect a kick to the nuts can have on a male attacker.  The groin area in men is very sensitive… that is why men protect it most of the time. The thing I will go into more here is when bad guys are side tracked, they make mistakes and are vulnerable!



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Boy Outsmarts Moose – Saves Sister!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
18 Feb 2008


This is one of those stories that I use to dream about when I was a kid. I use to read about Daniel Boone and Davie Crockett fighting off wild animals and planned how I could accomplish the same thing.


The 12 year-old boy picked up some fighting tricks from the video game “World of Warcraft.” According to the story here, the boy and his sister came across a moose. The moose was going to go after his sister so he use a distraction strategy (from the game) to draw the moose away from his sister!


Picture from

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Legal Self-Defense Weapons?

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
16 Feb 2008


When I was a kid, I used to imagine ways to defend myself in any situation. One of the thoughts I had while I was drinking my hot chocolate (no – I was not a coffee drinker yet) was to use it as a weapon if someone attacked! I thought I would throw it is their face and follow up with kicks and punches. Now as an adult I have often thought of what one could do against multiple attackers in cities that frown on obvious weapons.  Here is one video that shows a unbreakable umbrella that can be used as a weapon!


Video from


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Under: Self-defense
10 Feb 2008


I have noticed that women are interested in learning of other women that can fight a man and win! I have even seen some websites that cater to this jaunra of fight stories. Lets go back to basics and examine this concept. The very basic way to size up fighters are to look at their size, weight and weapons. If you are examining a man and woman opponent, who has reach, who weighs more, who is faster, stronger, has ring savy, and so on. After you determine who has the basic components that wins fights… you can look at who is the better fighter, who can take a punch and dish it right back.


Why do I care? because self-defense and sparring/fighting are not the same thing. All things being equal in a fight or sparring situation – the fighter with the most of the above qualities will almost always win the match. In self-defense the rules are not the same. In self-defense, all strikes are open… for instance if a woman kicks a guy in the nuts, she can break his ear drums or gouge his eyes to ensure her safe departure. The same woman cannot do that in a prize fight. In self-defense a woman is fighting for her life so she will use any weapon at her disposal. Here is a famous video of Joey Buttafuoco vs “Chyna” Joanie Laurer. Chyna is a pro wrestler that thought for some reason being strong and being the equivalent of a stunt woman (I mean a professional wrestler) would some how make her a fighter. Joey is just an average Joe… a guy that has probably been in a few fights in his day but out weighs Chyna and in my opinion out matches her easily.


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The Sandra Bullock Defense!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
5 Feb 2008


A nurse was attacked walking home after recently seeing Miss. Congeniality. She was in her own world, listening to music. The attacker grabbed her and put a knife to her cheek but this nurse decided to fight back! She stomped his foot and elbowed his face! She had seen the move on Miss Congeniality, the Sandra Bullock movie where a female FBI agent goes undercover in a beauty pageant. I remember that movie well as I laughed when Sandra had a question in the pageant, normally answered with “world peace,” she answered with, ”stiffer prison sentences for repeat felons.” Here is a picture of Sandra Bullock with William Shatner in Miss Congeniality.




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School Yard Bullies! What Can Be Done?

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
19 Jan 2008


I think most kids at some time or another have been bullied. I was a military brat that moved every couple of years. I remember at one school in the 5th grade a kid who always pushed me around. I did not know what to do so I tried to walk away. That seemed to give the bully courage and he would yell at me. He started using me as his punching bag. My dad freshly back from Viet Nam, told me that I had to stick up for myself. He told me that if a kid hit me, I should hit him back. Here is one video filmed by kids that talk about the problem of bullying at school.


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Women’s Self-Defense!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
5 Jan 2008


About half of the content of this blog has been about self defense issues and the rest have been about general karate topics. While I review many things, I want you to know that I feel strongly about helping folks find a self defense solution that works! I reviewed the Kelsey Smith story that broke on June 2, 2007 about a girl being abducted from a Target parking lot in Overland Park, KS. I like most martial artists believe that if you cannot break free from the abduction; your chances of survival are limited. Here is a video of a self defense school donating some time to teach local women (AustinSelfDefense):  


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Under: Self-defense
14 Dec 2007


Some men see women as pieces of meat – they do not see someone’s mother, daughter, wife or friend! They (some men), much like a hunter going after a deer, do not see how beautiful the deer (or the woman) is, but rather how tasty the meat will be. Can you reason with such a man? No… There will not be anything you (as a woman) can do about this predator’s cravings. Full Story »