Under: MMA
23 Apr 2008


I have been hearing about Cung Le for the past year from my wife’s nephew, Tony Corleone, who has contributed some rap music to Cung Le’s bouts. I have not seen Cung Le in person but I have been reviewing some of his videos after he took the middleweight title from Frank Shamrock. This guy is a fighter after my own heart! I love to see a striker compete in MMA. Here is a video of some of Cung Le’s highlights.


[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/2SgTBnd8IJk" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


I’ve read about the fight and apparently Le had some great kicking power and was keeping Shamrock at bay. Shamrock had good punches but had to lunge many of them due to the Le’s kicks.  I understand the Shamrock attempted a guillotine but Le was able to wrestle out of the attempts. I have read that the bout was fairly evenly scored (guesses of the respective writers), the second round was probably Le’s and the third round was more of Shamrocks (had he not broke his arm). Here is a story about the fight.

After I watched videos of this guy fighting, I was impressed by his striking power (have I said that before? If so it bears repeating). It takes about three or four times (my estimate) the amount of energy to throw a kick than a punch. The bouts I watched Le was throwing lots of kicks! The old PKA fights of my era had guys that had to throw something like eight kicks per round so you would often see guys throwing eight lame kicks in the beginning of the round, just to get them out of the way. Not only does Cung Le throw a lot of kicks but he also packs some power in them!


Cung Le has appeared in some TV & movies according to IMDB.com. I will follow Mr. Le’s career with interest because if his ground game is developed as his standing game is – Cung Le will certainly be a force to be reckoned with in any fighting league! His webpage/gym is here.


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