EuroSport Kick Boxing – Lots of Action!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: kick boxing
16 Jun 2008


As you probably know by know from reading this blog, I enjoy a good contest. I stumbled upon some kick boxing from Eurosport Fight Club on that featured a match from Eurosport’s Netherlands vs Thailand Kickboxing Series. I’m not sure exactly when this fight took place but it was uploaded to on January 31, 2008.


The series seems to be a national team competition featuring some really great fighters. For the Netherlands, Jimmy Eimmers is fighting and Hansuk is representing Thailand. Take a look at this video below.


[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]



As I reviewed this video I noted Hansuk seemed confident but also noted he was dropping his hands. I've not watched too much Muay Thai kick boxing but there seemed to be a little bravado going on at the expense of common sense (from my karate point of view).


In the first round Hansuk seemed to be the dominate fighter, constantly encroaching on Jimmy's ring space. Jimmy was able to fight tit for tat with his own counter kicks, punches and leg strikes. Jimmy Eimmer's did a beautiful spinning back knuckle that momentarily dropped Hansuk. Hansuk recovered and took the fight back to Eimmers.


The second round Hansuk was more aggressive but Eimmers was responding well. Halfway through the second round Hansuk throws a power round kick into Eimmers gut and Jimmy counters with a match-ending left-right combo!


I don't have any Muay Thai Kickboxing experience but after reviewing this fight, I noted that Hansuk did not cover his head. That seemingly tipped the scales in favor of Jimmy Eimmer. In a fight, you do not always win based on superiour fighting skills... just as many times your opponent defeats him or herself! This is an important nuance that good fighters recognize. If someone is handing you a match on a silver platter - who am I to look a gift-horse in the mouth?



I would enjoy seeing more of this type of fighting on television as it is very exciting to watch. Right now (so far as I have found) there are only MMA flavors and boxing on American TV. 



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One Response to “EuroSport Kick Boxing – Lots of Action!”

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