Under: martial arts
6 Jul 2009


This post is an update of the last housekeeping post. From time to time I change the look and feel of the blog to try and stay in-line with my goals for this site. What are my goals you might be wondering?


This website was created so I could help people understand how the martial arts might help them in their quest for self-defense prowess! Some other goals I have are to reach out to people of all walks of life, preferred fighting styles and just try to take some of the mystery out of self-defense. On that vein before I get into Ikigai’s eBook, the new links and upcoming stuff – here is a funny self-defense video  (with a little colorful language) taught from the reverse perspective!




Ok so this is what not to do but it is a good look at the concept of awareness. Good to keep in mind that one should not be distracted in public places walking alone… enough said (I’ll save it for another post). :)


Save on boxing equipment at BoxingDepot.com.


One of my fellow bloggers (Ikigai) has created an eBook that should help perspective traditional martial art’s students learn some basic etiquette! I reviewed the eBook and found it had good information for students. Here is the link to, “The Students Guide to Surviving the Traditional Dojo.”


As you might know I not only create this blog but also a fitness and health blog entitled, LeanAnMean.com. I have some karate posts that relate to fitness because one of my favorite ways to stay in shape is bag work.


I also read other blogs and as I find some I like – I link to them.  I have found three recently that I like.


  • Urban Samurai is a blog that purports to, “Urban Samurai is a martial arts resource for today’s urban warrior. All martial artists welcome.” I have found many interesting, thought provoking articles on this site and is one of the blogs I visit several times a week.
  • Online Aikido.com/Blog is about an instructor’s explaination of his style. There are many essays that contribute to the greater understanding of this martial art.
  • Judo-the-Blog is a website about, “Judo Information on actual judo news, links to judo video’s, the website of Judoschool Jan Snijders etc. Special emphasis on Judo in Science.”


After reading ikigai’s eBook, I decided that I too would start to work on an eBook offering for my loyal readers that will start a series on self-defense. This is in line with my goals for this “My Self-Defense Blog” so people that have no idea how to defend themselves and who do not want to take my advice and take at least a short-term self-defense class will get some good take-away.


I still believe that a short term self-defense class is the minimum every men, women and children should take but being a realist I think many might think they will never get attacked and not put out the effort. For those people, this eBook series might help them.


I also do and will continue to talk about self-defense in the blog so if you keep reading – you will probably get the benefit of the eBook series.


Please join with me in reading Ikigai’s eBook, and visiting Urban Sumarai, OnlineAikido and Judo-the-Blog.


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2 Responses to “Ikigai’s eBook, New Links & Upcoming Stuff!”

  1. Urban Samurai Says:

    Hey John. Thanks for the link. I appreciate all the support you have given me since I started the blog. I’m just glad it’s having a positive impact.

    I’m also looking forward to your e-book. I’m busy writing my own at the moment as well. Just wish I had more time to work on it!

    Your’s in Budo,
    Urban Samurai

  2. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Neil! Glad to point readers at a good blog! Cool about your eBook – I’ll be looking forward to reading it too.