Kangaroo Boxing! & Nelson vs. Imes on IFL!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: MMA
17 Jul 2008


A Well now I have just been reviewing mixed martial arts and happened to find this video of a rising MMA star, “Killer Willard,” the Boxing Kangaroo teaching his trainers the fine points of Outback Kangaroo kicks and punches. The funny thing about this to me (other than a giant rat-like boxer) was the kangaroo was actually pretty good. I had to try and work this video in somewhere and it seemed to fit nicely with MMA :)


[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/g_FVD0BR2Mc" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


I watched the International Fight League (IFL) on TV last night and was entertained by the heavyweight match featuring Roy Nelson vs. Brad Imes. I did not know either fighter but heard that Imes used to play football and was in the WEC and UFC. I was expecting the chubby (ok - fat) Roy "Big Country" Nelson, 6' 1", to be dodging punches from the 6' 7" Imes. Take a gander at this fight - I think you will enjoy this.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/5NPP9hDQn00" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


I was impressed with Nelson as he took advantage of Imes inability to strike with his reach. Imes did not really did not put anything together. I was pleasantly amazed at this turn of events because I had assumed that Imes would be the striker, easily hitting Nelson (who would be winded early) at will and probably win if he could make the fight last a few rounds (avoiding the take-down). How wrong I was!


I have known some great, fat fighters in my time but they generally did not have stamina. Well my bad, assuming based on looks! What was really funny was after he won, Roy Nelson jumped on each corner and rubbed his tummy – like saying to the crowd – I’m fat and I can fight! We were laughing our heads off to see a guy not take himself too seriously. Maybe Roy is a comedian for his day job… I don’t know but I will definitely watch him the next time.


The lesson with this for me is to not discount a fighter just becuase he/she is apparently out of shape. The old adage that you cannot judge a book by its cover was never more true (at least for me) as in this fight. And also don’t trust a kangaroo!


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One Response to “Kangaroo Boxing! & Nelson vs. Imes on IFL!”

  1. Defend Thyself Says:

    Wow, that kangaroo boxing was wicked. It’s kinda kreepy to have this sorta giant rabbit rat thing trying to beat you down. The poor guy @ 1:01 gets a good kick in the balls when the rodent does a standing drop kick to the groin & takes him down; classic WWF move.

    Keep up the great videos!
    Sparky the Stun Gun