Martial Arts Music Videos!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: martial arts
28 Sep 2009


As I was growing up in the 60′s and 70′s I remember seeing some musicians that could do karate! Elvis comes to mind but as much as I loved karate in movies, I loved to see karate done well with music.


In this post I will review the Karate Hottie’s appearance in Megadeth’s music video. I found this cool band, The Living End, doing a music video call Rising Sun. I found an original video clip of Carl Douglass performing Kung Fu Fighting and of course what music video review would be complete without the Karate Kid (Sweep the Leg music video). Here is Megadeth with the Karate Hottie!





Wow, this video kind of reminds me of the Max Max videos. Well it looks like Michelle Waterson got her freedom. I watched another flick recently where a bunch of prisoners were taken to this island to fight for their freedom. Michelle would have made a good addition to that movie.


Protect yourself with sparring equipment.


Here is a video I found of this group the Living End playing the Rising Sun.



I love this rock-a-billy sound from the Living End! It was fun to watch the woman breaking boards in the music video. I saw the Japanese lettering in the video so I guessing it was a hit over there too?


Another artist that tried to integrate martial arts into music is perhaps the most recognizable, Carl Douglass with his hit song, Kung Fu Fighting! Here is an old video I found.




That song as been around for a while and had been done in all kinds of videos, I thought you might appreciate seeing the original.


I’d like to end with this final music video of a series that is becoming much like the Rocky series, the Karate Kid. I remember watching the first movie and the only lasting thing I learned from that flick was how to wax my car (you know, wax on, wax off). :)


Well there is a new Karate Kid coming out soon (I think) but I thought this video of the highlights of the first one was worth taking a look at, especially since I like the music.



Funny, I remember the bad kids losing. Oh well I liked this anyway and I hope you enjoyed watching some of the Martial Arts music videos.

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4 Responses to “Martial Arts Music Videos!”

  1. Marc G. Says:

    Thanks for the vids! I think my favorite was the Living End. But, I am a little old fashioned too, and the Carl Douglas vid brought back memeories. I am old enough to remember every late night, badly dubbed kung-fu movie in the early 80′s using it as their theme song. I found this vid myself a while back an added it to my site:

    You may have seen it already, but if not, I thought you might like it.

  2. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hey Marc, Thanks – I think I saw that one somewhere. I liked the Living End a lot but I liked Michelle Waterson in the cage kicking butt too! I’ve you’ve seen her videos on her blog – she seems too sweet to be a fighter but she has done well so far.

  3. Wim Says:

    Awesome! I didn’t know Megadeth had that song out. I was a huge fan in the 90′s. Went to see them when they came to Belgium about 20 years ago and I followed their career for a long time. Thanks for bringing them back into my mind, totally forgot about them.

    IIRC, Dave Mustaine used to train with Benny The Jet Urquidez to stay in shape. That was a long time ago so maybe he no longer practices.

    .-= Wim´s last blog ..For the Bruce Lee fans =-.

  4. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Cool Wim, I did not know about Dave Mustaine.