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My Self-Defense Blog » Blog Archive » Milla Jovovich; Resident Evil Series!

Milla Jovovich; Resident Evil Series!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Celebrities
31 Aug 2009


I would guess that just about everyone that likes action movies has heard of the Resident Evil movies with Milla Jovovich!  I was first introduced to Milla Jovovich while watching, “The Fifth Element” playing opposite to Bruce Willis. I was amazed watching her back then as a fairly new actress.


Milla Jovovich started out as a modeling and then expanded into acting and music.  I reviewed her in Ultraviolet in 2007 here and have since watch the three Resident Evil movies. In this post I will highlight her three Resident evil films and offer a glimpse of the new Resident Evil Afterlife movie coming out in 2010. Here is the trailer of the first movie.





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What a great theme for a zombie movie! A virus gets out and infects people and Alice (Milla) has to save the day! The second movie Alice has to fight to escape the city against monsters and zombies. A kind of complicated plot is evolving in this action packed thriller! Here is a brief look.




There were some really cool fight scenes in there! The third movie is Alice (Milla) going after the evil Umbrella Corporation. Again if you missed this flick, take a look at this trailer!



The new super zombies this this movie are great! Alice (Milla) has to use all of her cunning to try and outsmart the Umbrella Corporation. The ending left an opening for more movies and guess what? There is a new Resident Evil coming out in 2010! Here is an interview with the writer at comic con.



Wow! Alice (Milla) is coming back and in 3D! The monsters sound like they are going to be cool and I am looking forward to even more exciting fight scenes. I found this Maxim photo shoot from 2008 that was shot after giving birth to a baby girl a year earlier. One of the reason I loved the Resident Evil and Ultraviolet movies is Milla’s martial arts fight scenes! Take a look at the video and she mentions her love of the martial arts.



Well I can hardly wait to see what is next in the Resident Evil; Afterlife movie! I hope you enjoyed this brief look at Milla Jovovich in the Resident Evil movie series.


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2 Responses to “Milla Jovovich; Resident Evil Series!”

  1. Neal Martin Says:

    Hey, John. I have to say I’m a big fan of these movies. I played all the video games as well (though not the new one, had to retire my controller due to time constraints). I also love Milla Jovovich (down boy!). She’s a very talented action star and a great singer to boot. Can’t wait to see the new movie, really looking forward to it.

  2. John W. Zimmer Says:

    I’m with you Neal…