Under: karate
21 Nov 2007

I remember Steve Anderson when I was fighting white belt at open karate tournaments! He (Steve) was a brown belt that was dominating the division! Steve seemed to be at every tournament I went to (I went to about four a year) and almost always won first place. He went to every nearby tournament he could and I would guess the number to be 30 or more a year!


Orned “Chicken” Gabriel was Richard “Dick” Willett’s (Tracy’s Karate at that time) student who started the United Karate Federation in San Diego. Chicken was Steve Anderson’s instructor. Steve went on to get his black belt and dominated the black belt division for about 10 years! No one has consistently won as may tournaments as Steve Anderson! 


I remember working out at then Larry McCraw’s (school) Tracy’s Karate in El Cajon in the early 80′s with Steve. I was a new black belt and was trying to fight rounds with Steve and Larry. I did ok but noticed that Steve had an uncanny way of figuring out how to get his strikes in on me. One day Larry did not make a workout and I discovered what great shape Steve was in. I went over five rounds and was tired, but Steve wanted to keep going. We ended up working for another three or four rounds but I was little more then a semi-moving punching bag at that point. :)


Steve came from strong roots with Chicken – a top rated fighter that won a full contact championship in Japan – and as I recall from his acounts, Steve was a strong wrestler before he took karate. Steve is currently running studios in Canada. I strongly urge anyone near his locations, that wants to learn tournament (or any kind of) fighting to visit his site. 


I fought Steve a couple of times in tournaments but lost both times. One time I was close in points. The only thing I found that worked against Steve was to take the fight to him. Steve had reach on me easily so my strategy on the close fight was to either tie him up (meaning punch the same time he was) or use angular attacks (came at him and away at angles) to slip inside. Steve was a very savvy fighter and could rapidly adept to different strategies to get the win.


The thing that most stands out in my memory was the room he kept to put all of his trophies. Larry told me that he had so many trophies that he devoted a room in his house just for trophy storage! If you are interested in learning more – Black Belt Magazine did an interview with Steve that gives a good overview of his tournament days. One comment he made in that interview (paraphrasing) was that he tried to focus on not letting his opponents get points on him as he was winning more. I remember Steve attending a Joe Lewis Seminar in San Diego (former world heavy weight full contact champion in the 70′s) where Joe challenged us to not only focus on scoring points – but also work on critical distance to keep points from getting scored on us.


Anyway – I guess you know how I feel about having the privilege of knowing, learning and fighting with Steve Anderson. I doubt we will see anyone dominating the tournament scene like he did again.

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56 Responses to “Steve “Nasty” Anderson – Top Fighter in the 80′s!”

  1. Brason Lee Says:

    Hello John

    My name is Brason Lee, a friend of Steve Anderson and a former student studying under Chicken Gabriel. I’m trying to remember if I ever had the chance to meet you. I was active in the sport from 1972-81.


  2. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Brason,

    I was active in tournaments from 1977 through about 1983. I got my black belt in 1979 at Dick’s studio (now Todd’s) on 30th street. I don’t remember your name but I only knew most of the UKF folks that worked out at Tracy’s in that same time.

    I know Big T, Ray Leal, Mike Pullum (Waterwheel), Foots, Pete Salas (Sweet Pete), and a few more I cannot think of right now. If you went to local tournaments in the eighty’s I would probably recognize you. Glad to make your acquaintance!


  3. David Hays Says:

    What no mention of me???? How soon they forget……

  4. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Who? :) – naw… hey Dave! I remember you were one of my favorite sparring partners. If I dropped my guard – you kicked me in the head!

  5. David Hays Says:

    I agree, we had a great time working out…..

    I’m often asked who my toughest opponent was back in the day. Other than Terry Crook, for obvious reasons, I always mention you. I tell people pound for pound you were the toughest fighter I faced.

    Take care,


  6. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Of my opponents at Tracy’s – Americian Kenpo Karate – You (Dave Hays), Terry Crook, John West, and Lap kept me from getting a big head! I had to watch out for Larry (McCraw) too but I did not spar with him as much. Thats why I am so unassuming now… anyone could be a great fighter!

    Your email address did not work – please leave a good one – That is not published when you post. I would like to catch up.


  7. David Hays Says:

    My e mail address has been updated. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  8. Kim Says:

    Wow, Dave Hays. Another great martial artist. I remember when you painted that hockey mask white & black. You were already a scarey fighter, but that mask just made you look even more intimadating. You were a good friend as well a an amazing fighter. Take care of yourself Dave.

  9. David Hays Says:


    Give John your e-,ail address and ask him to send it to me.


  10. Brason Lee Says:

    Big T, Foots, Ray, Mike, and Pete know me very well. I’ve been to Dick’s studio several times and I think it knows me more by face. I knew Ray when he was a green belt and Foots and Pete when they first started in the sport. Dave, Todd, and Lap may recognize me by face.

  11. Tracy Harmon Says:

    Hello Sir,
    I studied at UKF in Lomita Villiage and did the Photo Shoot with “Nasty” on his Karate-Kung-Fu illustrated magazine in the 80′s. Talk to Steve recently about doing a seminar in Alaska. How is “Chicken” doing?

  12. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Tracy,

    I saw Chicken (Orned Garbrial) at a black belt test for one of his students a couple of months back. He look good and was as entertaining as always! He is still on heck of a nice guy. I remember him telling me about his full contact fight in Japan… how his sense of humer was not well received but they had to respect his fighting ability… as I recall he won the the world championship that time. :)

    I think I’ll be seeing him in March… I’ll mention you asked about him.

    Take care,

    John W. Zimmer

  13. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Brason,

    I bet I’ve seen you around… It always amazes me how small the world is. :)

  14. Tracy Harmon Says:

    That’s great he is doing well.
    I was a kid in high school who hung out with “Fast E” Emerson.
    Bye for now!

  15. Victor "the Fly" Hervias Says:

    Hey Dave no mention of me either???? Just kidding. We spent a lot of time at larry’s school training and bleeding… :) Good times. Dave you got my home phone now call me.
    Brason: I remember you! Are you still a great photographer? You sure took some nice photos of my fights back then, I have them displayed all over my house, even today and I always remember your great Kenpo skills.
    John Zimmer: a great fighter, how are you bro?
    Fast E: another great fighter.
    Wow, I hit the motherload here!!

  16. Conrad Sims Says:

    How can I get in touch with Chicken or Steve? I use to fight against Nasty all the time, and we were good friends, I”m from B.K.F. and Nasty knowns me well..

  17. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hey Victor! I have not seen you since you want back East man… good to hear from you! I’m seeing lots of folks I’ve not heard from in a while… How is your brother? I remember he had some serious boxing skills. I hear you are visiting SoCal soon? See you soon.

    John W. Zimmer

  18. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Conrad,

    I’ve not see you in a while but I remember BKF well – when ever I fought in LA. I think you were at this event in San Diego when Alvin, Steve, you and Dexter Brooks were at the sports arena for a Body Building, Boxing and Karate exibition… Alvin Prodder (the welter-weight full contact champion at the time) was introduced inbetween boxing rounds and the boxers started talking smack… I remember Alvin knocking out two or three boxers in a row and all hell broke out!

    Dick, Terry, Frank, Roger, and I ran down to help you guys with the boxers but when we got there, there was a sea of bikers… free meat!… anyway we fought until the cops got there. :)

    I still don’t know what happened that day but I discovered that I cannot fight in flip-flops on a beer soaked cement floor…. so I stuck with hands :)

    Steve’s studios are linked in the blog roll – try calling or emailing… as far a Chicken – I tried a number I had but it was not good. I saw him last year when one of his guys were testing for first-degree black belt. Try Todd at the American Kenpo Karate number on the right side… he can usually contact people.

    Good to hear from you,

    John W. Zimmer

  19. Conrad Says:

    I remember that night, it all started because some people got drunk, and came at Alvin, we still talk about that night! I have to tell you “Thanks” If it wasn’t for you help and everyone else, I don’t know how it would have turned out. We got out of there as fast as we could…

  20. Victor "the Fly" Hervias Says:

    Conrad, John, hey guys! I remember that WILD night I was on the cheap seats “newly married” and I remember in a blink of an eye all hell broke lose. I still talk about that night, by the time I got down there there really was no one left to hit but I still had to kick some of those bikers while they were on the ground bleeding. I remember Frank M. from our AKKA school runing from one guy to another and beating the crap out of them and even when the biker girls were jumping in, they were getting knocked out. I saw Nasty pick one guy up and body slam him. What a night! Hey how is Alvin these days? Wow, funny how we are all still around kicking… I almost had to get a left “total knee” replacement, but thank for the drug “Synvisc” I am now well again. YES, me and Doug Arcidino are flying to the 40th re-union in May to celebrate for a week. I have my part time karate school (I am an engineer these days) and I still teach Dick’s and Chickens Kenpo but since I forgot a lot of it I have cut down a lot of the silly (and there are some silly ones) self defense techniques. The forms are good and I am still re-learning them. I know 5 Kenpo forms and 14 Isshinryu forms (I got my black belt in that style as well). I am going to Doug’s house this summer and will re-learn finger set and mass attack, and long 3. GREAT chat room you all. I now live in Huntsville, AL, and there is only one Kenpo school in this state, I am the 2nd. My brother is fine and still living there in San Diego. Can’t wait to see the “wild bunch” again!
    There is my work email contact me whenever. Your FRIEND Victor

  21. Conrad Says:

    Hey Victor, Alvin is doing well, he’s still teaching in Los Angeles! I will see him this weekend and I will let him know you asked about him..

  22. Brason Lee Says:

    It is really fun reading all these messages and brings back many memories. Emerson Andrews and I hung out as young kids and was part of Chicken’s pee-wee team. Alvin Prouder was just a teenager who had the most marketable slogan on this t-shirt — “No one is prouder than Alvin Prouder.” And, if Victor Hervias is the guy I knew as Vic, I remember him in his yellow-colored sports car and the fun we had, such as the adventure when there was a touble after a match between Chicken and a boxer. I was about 12 and watching the trouble from up in the ring — standing behind Big T and next to Chicken (probably the safest place in the room for a young kid) (smile).

  23. Brason Lee Says:

    Did anyone of you guys went to Vegas with Chicken and a bunch of us to see the fight between Superfoot Bill Wallace and Billy Rodriguez, a relative of Benny the Jet? That was a big fight.

  24. Brason Lee Says:

    Vic –

    I just noticed your March 18 note that includes a hello to me. I’m glad to hear that you still have some of the photos that I took of you. I haven’t been active in karate for 27 years but I’m always in touch with Chicken, his mother, his sister, and his nephew. Glad to hear that you’re an engineer now. I remember seeing you at Mesa College taking math classes. As for me, I went on to study at San Diego State and then moving on to the University of Southern California and a fellowship with the US Senate in Washington DC. I’m no[w] a health care researcher with the California Department of Public Health in Sacramento.

  25. Victor Hervias Says:

    Wow, great to hear you went on to school and graduated. So you lived in D.C. and you never came by to see me! I actually lived there from 1985 to 2005, and I was busy fighting the Karate circuit for 10 years while I was there. I have 2 kids ,one grown and out of the house and my daughter is 15 and in 9th grade, and I am now teaching her how to drive. OUCH!!!!!
    I am glad to hear you keep in touch with the guys (Chicken, etc…). I plan on visiting San DIego in the next month or so to be with Dick Willet on his anniversary of Kenpo. I am still teaching (always have) and hope to open up a real school here in Alabama soon. I guess I have been a profesional Engineer now for about 20 years. I got my degree from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. If you lived in D.C. you know the school. Isn’t it great what John Zimmer has done. He has made it so we can all get together again! John, you are the MAN!
    If you are in Alabama please visit me.
    Your buddy Vic, oh yes, go to John’s “PIX” link here and see some of the photos you took of me way back…..

  26. Brason Lee Says:

    Vic: I didn’t know that you were there. God knows that you would have been the best person to know because I had a hard time being so far away from California and the people I knew well. I lived in Alexandria Virginia for most of that time. I have one daughter who just turned 4 years.

    John: Thanks so much for your website.

  27. Vic Hervias Says:

    Hey All, We just got the date for the 30 year AKKA San Diego re-union, and it is set for the 12 June, 2008. Doug Arcidino and I have made our plane and hotel reservations for that date. I look forward to seeing you all. I will be there from the 12 and leaving in the AM on the 17. I will be spending time at the University Ave. school (Todd’s). Vic “the Fly” Hervias

  28. David Hays Says:

    Correction. THe event is Sat. June 14th. There will also be a Joe Lewis/Dean Lister training event on the same day. I will get all the info to John this week.

    See you all there!!!

    David Hays

  29. My Self-Defense Blog » Blog Archive » Joe Lewis - Dean Lister Seminar in San Diego! Says:

    [...] piece of sage advice Joe spoke of was when Steve “Nasty” Anderson was in attendance (Nasty ended up the champion point fighter for 10 years running in the 80’s), about how winning [...]

  30. Chris F. Says:

    I remember studying at the UKF in Chula Vista and having “Chicken” Gabriel as my instructor. He and the UKF really gave me the confidence that has stayed with me all these years.

  31. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Chris,

    I have nothing but praise for Chicken as all the years I knew him as a competitor, instructor, friend he always had a way of motivating people. He spawned many great fighters too.

    Thanks for your comment.

    John W. Zimmer

  32. Junie Says:

    I know Mr. Chicken very well as he has taught me and my kids for free as we grew up in the same neighborhood were his mom Ms. Beverly stays in Southeast San Diego. His former classmate Mr. Walter Farly was my wrestling teacher at Crawford High between 1991 to 1993 before Mr. Jim Valasis took over between 1993 to 1995. Mr. Gabriel also taught my older cousin Geno before myself that began in 1996. Mr. Gabriel stays in Mission Beach by the rollercoaster and works for MTS. I would give you guys his cell number but I have to ask him first. We train at the park by the rollercoaster on saturdays, just after the sun rises. My name is Massoud Kachi Jr. AKA “Junie”

  33. Junie Says:

    Mr. Orned “Chicken” Gabriel is the most wonderfull and nicest person in the world. I have nothing but respect for the man as I would defend his honor in a second if anybody would talk bad about the man as we all have are ups and downs. I Love the guy like a father I never had period.

  34. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hello Junie!
    Glad you found us… I saw Chicken at Dick Willett’s 40th Anniversary party (check that post out) in June and he was looking fit as ever. There is a picture of Chicken in that post from the Joe Lewis/Dean Lister seminar.
    I have known chicken from the late 70′s when he was leading UKF and still fighting tournaments and my comments about him are as follows:
    1. A tough competitor
    2. A caring instructor
    3. A loyal friend
    He is one I would want beside me if I ever got into a tussle in a dark alley.

    Thanks for sharing,

    John W. Zimmer

  35. Vic AKA "the fly" Says:

    John & Junie,
    I am so glad to hear your thoughts about Chicken. I have to tell you that besides our Grand Master (and also my good friend!) Dick Willett, Chicken influenced my life as much. I remember when I started with Chicken and I would be sick with a flu and runing a temperature and not being able to go and take lessons from chicken, I remember calling him up and asking him “what can I do while I am at home Chicken, how can I train while I am sick….” he would be so patient with me (I can only imgine what he was really thinking, having this young hispanic guy calling him and asking him questions like that….) and with love answer my questions and suggest what I should do, etc. my point is that he was always there for me and all others who seeked his advice or help. He is truly a great man, and we all know how great he is in the martial arts. I am so glad to be able to call him my instructor and dear friend!
    We are from the same family tree, we are from our Grand Master Dick Willett. He is our mentor and teacher and also I am honered to be able to call him my DEAR friend!
    We are all so lucky to have been able to learn from these Masters! I can only hope to be half as good as they are, and I am trying with my students and friends.
    I feel blessed to have the best instructors in the world as my teachers.

  36. veronica Says:

    Hi, my name is veronica, im the daughter of peter hervias, and niece of vicrtor hervias. i have heard so much stories from my dad about all of you who are mentioned in these blogs, and i even have met a couple, larry was a great friend of my dads, but in time they lost contact and a few years back we learned that larry had passed awasy, that was devistating news for my dad, but atleast he knows hes in a better place right now. well i just thought id say something since i know of all or some of u…..

  37. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Veronica,
    I used to see your dad at the studio… he was doing boxing workouts as I was doing karate. I sparred once with Pete and really enjoyed myself.
    I had not heard anything about Larry. I’ll send you an email to get more information. I hope I misunderstood as Larry was a great friend. I have not heard from him since I bought the karate school from him in the early 80′s. Glad you stopped by.

    John W. Zimmer

  38. Luis Ruan Says:

    Hi John, my name is Luis Ruan, Terry Crook was my teacher during the mid seventies. For years Terry drove to our neighborhood in National City to took us to Cuahtli Karate. When most of my friends and relatives were getting in trouble i was going to karate classes. I wanted to thank Terry Crook for the time he spent with us (Luis, Carlos, and Alfredo). I now work with at-risk youth in East Los Angeles and my younger brother Carlos is an attorney. I have influenced numerous youth that were caught in the negative cycle. Let Terry know that he was a positive role model for us and that he has my respect. One day i would like my teenage sons to meet the man. Thanks!

  39. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Luis,
    I sent an email to Terry but I’m not sure I have the latest one. I’ll see him in the next few months and let him know you stopped by.
    Back when I started Terry was bringing kids into the San Diego studo (American Kenpo Karate) too… I respect him for that and boy those kids were some fighters with a lot of heart.

  40. Luis Ruan Says:

    I was a young brown belt during that time. Do you remember Lap, Renie, Rusty, Alfredo, and James S? Some of those guys are no longer with us but they were great fighters. I noticed Brason lee wrote on your blog, we were friends when we were kids. We started martial arts at the same time, he lived a block from my house in National City. I am currently studying Kuk Sool Kwan (Korean Martial arts with my teenage sons. Do you have Brason’s contact information? thanks John for reviving good memories of my youth.

  41. David Hays Says:


    I see Terry Crook at least once every three months (I now live in Arizona). He and I are both on Dick Willett’s American Kenpo Karate Senior Council. I sent him your commits.

    I agree with your commits about Terry. I have been fortunate to have Terry as a sparring partner and friend since 1979. For those of you that know the value of a great sparring partner they will understand when I say this; in order to effective on the street in a “real” fighting situation, you must spar with someone who can make the fight real……. That someone is Terry Crook.

    I do remember Renie and James, they were on one of Dick Willett’s brown belt teams with John Zimmer, Brian Stull and I. We fought in one of the internationals, around 1979, 1980??. I will send John a few pictures of that infamous team. Maybe he can put them up for you to see.

    Lap and I were great sparring partners and friends for years until his untimely death. I still miss him very much.

    Take care,


  42. Luis Ruan Says:

    Thanks to you David, I am now in contact with Brason Lee my old martial arts buddy. We spoke on the phone after over twenty years. I appreciate all your help.
    Luis Ruan

  43. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Luis,

    I’m glad you reconnected with Brason! David emailed some 1978 or 1979 Tracy’s Karate, Brown Belt Team pictures. I just posted them in the Pics section.


  44. Matt Klein Says:

    I second Dave Hays’ motion about needing to spar guys in a “fight-like” situation. I too have sparred against Terry, going against him in the last round of my 2nd Degree Black grading, and many other times. I know he cut me a little slack, but he always went hard. After that, I had the confidence I could go toe-to-toe with just about anyone. It really gave me confidence. Big T, Kimko, Chicken, Andy Selzer, Marcus “Headhunter” Hawkins, Stan West, Miguel, the same. Just reading about all these legends in your blog John brings back great memories, even though I came up in the generation following them. (80′s to 90′s). I wish them all well.

  45. Matt Klein Says:

    And not to mention, my sensei and friend Todd was always a huge inspiration.

  46. Allain Lalonde Says:

    Hey everyone, I asked “Nasty”‘s girlfriend if I could his contact info up here and she gladly gave me resounding permission.

    He’s teaching at his school in Ottawa located at 1950 Bank Street, and the school’s number is (613) 260-5000. She says he’s always getting calls from his old training buddies, so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.

    Good luck,

  47. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Allain,
    Glad you found this… and thanks for passing Steve’s number along. It will be some time before there is another like him… I mean we was top ranked for 10 years!

  48. VICTOR A NIETO Says:


  49. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Victor,
    I bought Larry’s studio and taught for him in the evenings for a while before that. Victor “the fly” Hervias was just inducted into the kenpo hall of fame in Chicago… it that who you mean? I’ve not seen Larry in 25 years or Emerson since my fighting days.
    Steve Anderson as I recall did not tire out… he could go rounds forever.

  50. Vic Hervias Says:

    Hi John! Larry is alive and well per Mick Leone. Larry has my contact info and still has not got back to me. I am anticipating him contacting me. He and I were great friends and sparing partners for years.
    Vic “the Fly” Hervias

  51. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hey Victor!

    Cool – let me know if you hear from him. I’ve not seen Larry since he was just starting a second career in power lifting!

  52. al hernandez Says:

    Let me first say what an awsome job and service you have done especialy for us older students from the old days 70″s and 80″s. You help to fill in the gaps thank you so much. My name is Al Hernandez and Orned (Chicken) Gabriel was and still is my personal trainer and instructor even tho I live in Austin Texas. Iam in contact with him by phone and mail often and I am planing to visit Him in San Diego Ca.In the near future.On june 5″ (Fith) 2009 I was Promoted to the rank of SHODAN (First DEGREE BLACK BELT) Something I have always yearned for every since I met him (Chicken). He was just amazing to wacth (Especialy In forms).He is also my spritual adviser (Brother In Christ)All Praise Due. Secondly I have allways seen the improvements he has bestowed upon child/students I donot recall any of them getting in trouble at home or more inportantly at school. for this I comend you very much. As for his martial arts? let his record speak for itself.And not to mention his adult students beginng with my former sparring partner the incredabel Steve (Nasty) Anderson 1O Times World Champion. And the list goes on and on. God Bless you Orned (chicken) Gabriel. You and your”s are always in my prayers. To Mr.John W.Zimmer I hope someday to meet and once again thank you for all you do to keep us all in contact with our fellow martial arts Family. Sincerly Mr. Karate AL From Cal. (Karateal60@Yahoo.com)

  53. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Al,

    It is good to see you here. I have always loved Chicken! His fighting amazed me when I used to spar with him and he has turned out so many great fighters. Let me know when you get into town!

  54. AL Hernandez Says:

    Hey!!! Steve I am still in awe of that unexpected ‘Spinning Rear Kick’You placed on my Chest back in 1973 National City (UKF)Thursday Night Sparring Class. But I am also in awe of the statement You made Al I picket that one up from wacthing you at the tournements I have seen you use it and SCORE,OFTEN!!! What an awesome complement comming from such an incredabelMARTIAL ARTIST’Steve you ROCK and ROCK and ROCK Again and AGAIN Stay Strong. I am planning to vist Chicken soon and hope to see you there I am living in Austin,Tx.(karateal60@yahoo.com)Pease,lOVE AND Unity!!! Take Care, Ever in TEXAS AUSTIN give me a call (512) 6539671 I will show you the ROPES!!!

  55. Tony Pablo Says:

    Hello Luis!!! You may not remember me. I was part of Karate Club Cuahtli with you, Carlos, Reny, Resty, Lap, and Terry. I was online to see if Mr. Murphy was still teaching. I typed in ‘Cuahtli’ and found this blog. Man, I miss those days. Stay in touch if you have the time.

    Hello John, Thank you for this blog. A lot of your friends names bring back memories. Terry was like a dad to us. We students of Terry were so far ahead in terms of preparation for full contact because that was how he trained us. Terry instilled confidence in me because of his teaching. I knew I would be able to defend myself. When we could not practice at the national city garage anymore, Terry took us to Tracy’s on El Cajon Blvd. I was with that bunch of kids with Terry that you saw. That was so cool of Dick to take us in. Dick Willet does not know me from a fly on the wall, but I remember him as very fast, strong, and a gentleman. I stopped training for a while; A few years later I began training with Lap when he opened up his school near the DMV in Chula Vista. I wanted to fight my ‘ten’ so Lap agreed to train me. Terry came in to train me also; my side still hurts because I accidently hit Pops in the face (Go hard with Pops but don’t hit him in the face). Later, I was told that Lap died. I took Lap’s death hard…so hard that I didn’t want to train anymore nor practice for a long, long time. Now I have two beautiful daughters that are interested in the Chinese and Japanese cultures. I took them to Pete’s studio (Chinese Karate Federation) last week to watch him teach. My next move is to go to Eagle Trading to buy their Gis and fill out paperwork for Pete so they can begin their lessons. I can see now that I am almost coming full circle. Kenpo techniques a very beautiful. Lap taught me Bookset then Tiger and Crane back in the day…It was difficult for me to learn because I came from a ‘hard’ Japanese style (Wado Kai) yet eventually I did learn them. Don’t ask me to do them now; I wouldn’t know where to start. Seeing my girls wanting to learn from Pete has perked my desire once again. My sparring days are over but I do want to learn the techniques so I may take advantage of Pete’s family discount. In sum, I just want to thank you again John for your blog; it is wonderful to hear how everybody is doing. If you come in contact with Terry, please give him my regards. John, you take care as well and as Pete said to me a long time back, ‘Keep Kicking’. Peace

  56. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Good to hear from you Tony! It is good so hear/see old friends. Terry is still training at Todd’s (Dicks old studio). Pete is a good man and it is full circle to have your kids training. I remember the old days when Renie, Dave,James, Brian and I fought in the internationals on a brown belt team. Those were the days. To have some of that youth again. :)