Under: Self-defense
14 May 2008


I just read a story about Elle Macpherson using Tai Chi to get her handbag back from a robber here. I was kind of amazed that a supermodel would be walking about unaccompanied but even more amazed that she, after getting robbed, would get her purse back! After reading the story - all I can say is Elle probably did get some confidence from Tai Chi. Here is a picture of Elle McPherson with a surfboard. She looks like she stays in good shape.


Elle Macpherson 



Another Supermodel that can fight is Michelle Waterson. She works at Hooters by day and is starting to fight MMA. Michelle was in Oxygen networks, "Fight Girls." It is really cool to see someone living their dream. Michelle states in her videos that karate is her way of life. She is a black belt in Karate and learning Muay Tai and Wushu. Here is a picture of Michelle doing a front-snap-kick.



Michelle Waters 




I have watched some of the wrestling videos that Michelle competed and like what I saw. She seems to have a sense of the overall fight strategy. Michele talks about wanting to make it as a MMA fighter. Well my hats off to her as she seems highly motivated. Here is a Bikini.com Supermodel video featuring Michele Waters. She is beautiful and she CAN fight!




[kml_flashembed movie="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=-4579338824287731247" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /]


Michelle did a publicity video with Dave Fara on the MMA FIX that was a lot of fun. Michelle mentioned that she wanted to turn pro but Dave mentioned that Dana White, President of the UFC, doesn't think women belong in MMA. Michelle rightly pointed out that the UFC is not the only venue and she will pursue others. Here is that video.



[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/dHc0Hr-E-x4" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]



A Russian Supermodel, Anna Loginova was not so lucky and died when her car was stolen. Anna was a model that was into Martial Arts. She was also a body guard. Anna had fought off a car-jacker previously but died in the latest attempt here.


I think it is wonderful that women Supermodels can fight. Anna Loginova and Ella McPherson successfully thwarted robberies. As is true everywhere, a person has to take care to pick their fights. I personally would not suggest a woman take on a man over a purse or car. But having said that I really like to see women that can fight back!


Michelle Waterson is another fine example of a woman that can fight. She should be an inspiration to women everywhere that want to acheive any goal in life! Breaking into MMA (pun intended) :)  is a hard thing to do for anyone but women have additional obstacles. My hats off to these women that have proved that supermodels are not just another pretty face.



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4 Responses to “Supermodels Can Fight! Not Just Another Pretty Face!”

  1. candle safe Says:

    Wow. That’s cool. Sexy model who also know some martial arts.

  2. Joe Scarafone Says:

    She’s Hot. John, the bloody decks tournement is this coming weekend, come out with us.

  3. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Yeah! And she can defend herself. I love women that stand up for themselves!

    Thanks for the fishing offer.

    John W. Zimmer

  4. My Self-Defense Blog » Blog Archive » Michelle Waterson vs Tyra Parker Says:

    [...] previously reviewed Michelle “the karate hottie” Waterson in my post entitled, “Supermodels can fight! Not just another pretty face” and was happy to hear that she was fighting the other day for Strikeforce! Michelle was [...]