Under: Self-defense
8 Mar 2008


Three armed men boarded a tourist bus near Limon, Costa Rica, and attempted to rob the 12 retired folks on vacation! In a turn of events that warms my heart, a 70 year-old ex-marine disarmed and put one assailant into a choke hold! The other tourists started fighting back and the other two assailants fled!!! The group was onshore during a stop, during their Carnival cruse in February, 2007. One of the reports is here. 


While it is always sad for a human being to lose his life, the 20 year-old assailant had no business robbing people and apparently met his match by messing with retired leather neck (Marine)! Many younger people make the assumption that old-folk will not be able to fight back, let alone stand up to young punks! I have a few memories of older (I know – I keep calling 70 years, old – in 20 years I will think that is middle age too) folks defending themselves.


I was surprised last year by the band, “The Zimmer’s” that sang, “My Generation” seemingly as a cultural awaking that old folks mattered too! Well here at MySelfDefenseBlog.com, we think that old folks can kick Butt! Here is a short clip of, “The Zimmers.”


[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/S1ss_gzLTvM" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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