The Sandra Bullock Defense!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
5 Feb 2008


A nurse was attacked walking home after recently seeing Miss. Congeniality. She was in her own world, listening to music. The attacker grabbed her and put a knife to her cheek but this nurse decided to fight back! She stomped his foot and elbowed his face! She had seen the move on Miss Congeniality, the Sandra Bullock movie where a female FBI agent goes undercover in a beauty pageant. I remember that movie well as I laughed when Sandra had a question in the pageant, normally answered with “world peace,” she answered with, ”stiffer prison sentences for repeat felons.” Here is a picture of Sandra Bullock with William Shatner in Miss Congeniality.





 The full story goes on to say how the nurse thought quick of fight or flight and decided to fight. Had she chosen flight, she may not have gotten away so easy. I think she made the right decision as it is almost always better to fight if they have you. My rational is the guy though he won already because what woman in her right mind would resist a guy that had a knife? He could have his way with her and then slit her throat (no witnesses) or if he was just starting his criminal career… who knows what he was capable of? You can read the entire story here.    


My view of a knife or any other weapon, is it can be an advantage for the victim. What am I talking about? Think about it… if a guy has a knife… he has it because he is not confident enough to attack without the weapon. That means he is depending on the weapon to intimidate his victim. If the victim fights back… the attacker will likely use the knife instead of punching or kicking. By my count that gives the victim 4 appendages to 1 appendage. Yes I mean the victim can kick, punch, knee, elbow. As far as weapons go – all the victim has to do is keep the knife away and she can have her way with the attacker!


My advice is to not give up easily and above all, try to avoid distractions like mp3 players when you are walking in public because this situation could have easily been avoided by being aware sooner (giving the nurse a chance to run and scream!). If you have to defend yourself – use mace, karate, keys or any other predetermined method you have wisely thought about ahead of time.



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8 Responses to “The Sandra Bullock Defense!”

  1. Leslie Says:

    Those are my two favorite scenes in the movie. Good to hear that a chick flick is more than just mindless entertainment–it’s also teaching women to defend themselves. ;)

    I agree with how knives can be an advantage for the victim. Even at my school when we practice knife defenses, the “attacker” seems to forget that he has three other available limbs and relies on the supposed safety of the knife. Our master’s mantra is “Control the head of the snake”–and then quickly take care of the surprised attacker.

  2. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Leslie,

    Sandra Bullock is one of my favorites so I was glad to find a way to weave this into the blog. Your Master sounds like a wise person… it is good to stay focused on the mechanics of the defense! I like the emphasis on the “Control the head of the snake.” :)

  3. Pages tagged "sandra bullock" Says:

    [...] bookmarks tagged sandra bullock The Sandra Bullock Defense! saved by 3 others     princess19892007 bookmarked on 02/09/08 | [...]

  4. My Self-Defense Blog » Blog Archive » Teen Aged Girl of 15 - Escapes Rapist! Says:

    [...] that Sandra Bullock inspired viewers to fend off attackers by watching the movie entitled, “Miss Congeniality.” The post also has several examples of women who successfully fought off their attackers and [...]

  5. Curtain Lining · Says:

    Sandra Bullock is one the greatest actress in my opnion, she plays a lot of different roles ~

  6. Al Hernandez Says:

    The Movie Was Filmed In My Hometown,(Austin,Tx.)
    I Saw Her Slip While Filling Downtown, I Thought It Was An Erra, Because, They Did 3 Takes, Go Figure??? There Are Many,Many Movies Being Shot In Austin, Lower Overhead, Lots Of Awesome Locations, Sandra Has A Fine Restarant Downtown ( Bistro) And Yes She Is A Supper Fine Actress, Check Out The The Film 28 Days, One Of Her Best!!!!! Thanks Al (U.K.F.) A.K.K.Assoc. Austin, Tx.

  7. Trike Motorcycles Says:

    i had a huge crush on Sandar Bullock when i was still in college, for me, she is the prettiest actress ;.`

  8. Matt Klein Says:

    Sometimes you have to fight, even if they have a weapon. Almost always in the case of the attacker trying to take you to a secondary location, where your chances of survival are slim. Fight while there are still potential witnesses around, and fight loud and with no mercy.
    Matt Klein recently posted..Top Twenty Kids Stranger Danger Tips for Child SafetyMy Profile