T.O.P. Army Fighter Series

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: MMA
19 Apr 2008


I’ve been watching a couple of hours of the T.O.P. (Toughest Operational Personnel) Army Fighter series on the Military Channel (105 on COX South San Diego) yesterday. I am impressed with how our military is being taught to fight. A good overview of this series is found at MMAJunkie.com.


Safety is a great concern during the military version of MMA so while it is OK to use a leg lock, it is not OK to twist the foot because these guys are actually shipping out to Iraq. I found a short clip of one popular fighter that fights MMA and T.O.P. Army Fighter for your perusal.


[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/a0M2QR3Hwy0" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]





The series does allow striking and some of the participants had some good striking skills but many seemed to be concentrating on the ground game. Here is my bias concerning grappling, I do not think grappling would be very effective with mass attacks. I think generally that the grappling part of MMA type of fighting would be very effective fighting one on one. Having said that, I think a fighter should win a bout any way he or she can! I really do like (MMA) the bouts where a fighter can use boxing, wrestling, karate, kick-boxing, judo, jiu-jitsu, or whatever, so long as they obey the rules!



The Military Channel has a good website concerning the T.O.P. Army Fighter here. I noted there is a lot of explanation of the rules and types of attacks. As a self-defense and a fighting method, the military way of MMA should be a great addition to to their arsenal and keep our guys and girls in uniform safe.



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