Under: Self-defense
8 Mar 2008


Three armed men boarded a tourist bus near Limon, Costa Rica, and attempted to rob the 12 retired folks on vacation! In a turn of events that warms my heart, a 70 year-old ex-marine disarmed and put one assailant into a choke hold! The other tourists started fighting back and the other two assailants fled!!! The group was onshore during a stop, during their Carnival cruse in February, 2007. One of the reports is here. 


While it is always sad for a human being to lose his life, the 20 year-old assailant had no business robbing people and apparently met his match by messing with retired leather neck (Marine)! Many younger people make the assumption that old-folk will not be able to fight back, let alone stand up to young punks! I have a few memories of older (I know – I keep calling 70 years, old – in 20 years I will think that is middle age too) folks defending themselves.


I was surprised last year by the band, “The Zimmer’s” that sang, “My Generation” seemingly as a cultural awaking that old folks mattered too! Well here at MySelfDefenseBlog.com, we think that old folks can kick Butt! Here is a short clip of, “The Zimmers.”


[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/S1ss_gzLTvM" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


I remember working at “Irving’s Coffee Shop,” in East Meadow, Long Island, NY as a boy and noticing a couple of punks messing with an old man at the breakfast bar. Finally I heard the old man tell the punks that he did not want to mess this nice man’s store up and he would be waiting for them out back! The two punks looked at each other and ran out the front door.


Now some of you might attribute the old guy in the coffee shop as an aberration because he was a new yorker… but I submit to you that many older people do not like it when young, insolent upstarts (I mean punks) try something with them!


Here is a short video about married store owners that fight back their robbers!


[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/vmWzdv-aabc" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


Here is a video about an old woman manager "telling" some street punks to get out here right now! This lady was kind of lucky because the punks did not want to shoot her... I grant that she has come cajonies but I think she lucked out.


[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/N0NSdQ_ck2A" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


Now I do not mean to suggest that all old people are still fighters but with age, comes wisdom and without age comes sometimes, misjudging your victims (in the minds of the muggers). Older people can use many modes of self-defense such as fighting, cains, stun guns, and mace legally as well as guns in their homes.


I plan on being one of those retired persons that will defend myself if a robber ever threatens my life or family!


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