Legal Self-Defense Weapons?

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
16 Feb 2008


When I was a kid, I used to imagine ways to defend myself in any situation. One of the thoughts I had while I was drinking my hot chocolate (no – I was not a coffee drinker yet) was to use it as a weapon if someone attacked! I thought I would throw it is their face and follow up with kicks and punches. Now as an adult I have often thought of what one could do against multiple attackers in cities that frown on obvious weapons.  Here is one video that shows a unbreakable umbrella that can be used as a weapon!


[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Video from


Why would you, a law abiding, ordinary citizen want to carry a weapon? Stuff happens! You never know if you will be in a situation where your life will be at risk! I am not trying to scare anyone but I am sure you can imagine that a car jacker that comes upon a car, stopped at a red light, does not care how wonderful you life is – he just wants the car and is willing to do whatever it takes to get it.


You may be wondering if depending on a special weapon will actually make you safer? I know some of my colleagues argue that depending on a weapon that is not always at hand, does not make as much sense as self-defense/karate training – I agree but I am also a pragmatist. I think the more tools in your chest – the better.


Here is what you are up against… the cops do not like an armed populace – harder to police. Businesses and schools think that armed people can present a threat. Many individuals think that weapons are bad! Who are you to fight the main stream? That is the 64,000 question…. So I ask you - Who are you beholdent to? The status quo or yourself?


I have my wife and family to protect so I have already stated my case here that I will do whatever it takes to defend myself because the police will not protect you! What? Yes – The police are not required to protect you. The police enforce the laws – meaning they will come and attempt to find the perpetrator of a crime, after the fact, unless they happen to witness that attack (the one time a cop will protect you!)! Where does that leave you? You have a duty to do whatever it takes to protect your own self!


Here are some weapons you can use to protect yourself:

  • Mace
  • Pepper spray
  • The unbreakable umbrella
  • Car keys
  • Coffee mugs
  • Wallets
  • Purses
  • Books
  • Chairs
  • Screaming
  • Self-defense training
  • Boxing
  • Karate
  • Judo
  • Aikido
  • Any other method of hand-to-hand combat

Alright – what the heck am I talking about? I don’t think everyone if the world is going to learn how to fight so I want to take the approach the medical community took when they discovered that CPR might save 20% or more of heart attack victims (I don’t know the real stats but heard this range)…  If a person has a heart attack – someone who does not know CPR calls 911 and the operator tries to talk the caller through some basic first-aid until the ambulance gets there. I want people to train in self-defense, failing that I want people to have some idea of what weapons they could effectively use to protect themselves!


Think about it… if a guy is coming at you with a knife or bat – throw your purse away from you and then take off in the opposite direction. That will give you a chance if they guy is a robber! If he is a rapist you will have to depend on fighting back with keys between the fingers, eye gouges, kicks to the nuts and so forth all the while screaming to get attention! I would consider screaming “Fire!” to really get help as some people will not want to get involved in a dangerous situation.


What do I do? My wife has pepper spray. I have baseball bats in every room. I know how to fight and have taught my wife and step-daughter some moves. We have large dogs and a small yapper dog. I think the cat is useless as a deterrent but I can hope. :)


If I thought I lived in a dangerous neighborhood and did not own a firearm – I would consider one of those new pepper spray guns (non-leathal but apparently effective) from a company like Defend ThySelf! You can also pick up a wrist rocket (high-power sling shot), pitch fork or whatever. The important thing is if you ever end up having to protect your family in your castle – you have to be able to stave off an attack somehow for at least ten minutes until the cops can get there!


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14 Responses to “Legal Self-Defense Weapons?”

  1. BK Says:

    Interesting post…my only real comment is that the cat may not be as useless as you think. Picking it up and throwing it at an attacker could have quite an interesting affect. Of course, this may take some practice, so you should start immediately learning how to throw your cat accurately across great distances…just kidding! (Though, to be honest, I would keep that idea in the back of your mind…if it really came down to my life or my cat…I’m a dog person…Fluffy’s going for a ride!)

    Also, on a more serious note, I would avoid the keys between the fingers technique. You typically, in my experience, cannot get a sufficiently good grip to employ the keys with power. They tend rotate in your grip as you strike and you end up just hitting with your knuckles instead. A better technique, in my opinion, is to hold a single key (preferrably the longest, strongest one) between your thumb and forefinger, with the flat of the key resting on the second knuckle of your index finger. Now, using a thrusting motion to the eyes/throat/temple, you can generate more power, achieve greater penetration, and inflict more significant damage.

    Great blog…keep up the good work!

  2. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hey BK, I like your thinking but I would frame it as launching the attack trained cat to claw up the attacker so it would past muster with my wife and step-daughter. :)

    Thanks for the tip with the single key. It is like so many things… more info is better so one can find what suits them. I found one piece of advice on a web page that stated if your car alarm panic button worked from within your house… why get a house alarm? It kind of made sense to me so I really appreciate any advice so folks can evaluate the advice for themselves.

    Take care,

    John W. Zimmer

  3. Douglas Arcidino Says:

    I agree about the way to use a key for self defense. I have seen the corner of a credit card or drivers License. Used the same way. I also have a friend that teaches woman to carry a small safety pin like for a diaper. Open the safety pin up and weave it into the shirt. This way it is easily accessible.


  4. Krista Says:

    I really like the products they have at – they have a ring that looks like a beautiful plain ring that you wear on your index finger and it has mace in it…they also have mace that is in what looks like a cell phone. I think both of these items are great because they aren’t obvious and they do the job.

  5. Rick B. Says:

    You have some good ideas for self defense that I never thought of. The cat really is an interesting idea. The ultimate weapon of course is a firearm, but there are obvious potential legal ramifications. Even if you use it in self defense. I have seen the pepper spray ring and the pepper spray guns. You can get them at There is also the common pepper spray that fits on a keychain. I don’t have pepper spray but got a stun knuckles stun gun at

  6. Matt Klein Says:

    A cane is a perfectly legal weapon and can be swung with lethal velocity. It can be used to poke, hook, or club an attacker, and can be kept in your car or house. Your best weopon is your mind. Walk down the street in the opposite direction of traffic so no one can follow you in a car. If it is late at night and you are stuck in a bad area, walk down the middle of the street with your keys between your fingers and talk to yourself out loud. No one will come near you.

  7. shanette Says:

    there are these key chains that look like cats and you put your fingers through the eyes and you have instant self defense weapon (similar to what you are trying to do with the keys) i just googled self defense keychain cat and you can find lots of places that sell them. there is also a site called that sells a similar version that doesnt look like a cat.

  8. Chip Says:

    2nd attempt. I’m Chip, New Orleans. Former pro-kickboxer. I’ve invented the most cost efficient life saving device in the world. Saved many peoples lives. Presently retailing in 3 Walgreens here in New Orleans, and at The American Police Supply.

  9. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Hi Chip,

    This looks like a cool self-defense device that should give one an edge, especially a woman walking to her car!

    The only issue might be if it is legal in the local where one resided. In California for instance almost every devices of this kind is illegal.

    Thanks for the information!

  10. Chip Says:

    I am the inventor, saved many peoples lives….

  11. Chip Says:

    Thanks John for the input..I’m now in 7 Walgreens and growing slowly..

  12. Chip Says:

    Hi John, Chip in New Orleans. The PierceProtector is legal in Ca. Shipped many units there. John, now The PierceProtector is in 12 Walgreens. Working on nation-wide Walgreens. Chip

  13. Chip Says:

    Hi John, Chip here in New Orleans. The PierceProtector continues saving peoples lives in Houston and here in New Orleans. Now The PierceProtector is retailing in 15 Walgreens here in New Orleans.

  14. John W. Zimmer Says:

    Thanks Chip!