I have been doing karate for years and have not really thought about this from a beginning students perspective recently. I had a buddy ask me my take on teaching students how to kick the groin as beginners can miss the mark at first. Also (understandably) guys do not want to volunteer their family jewels as target practice!


Ok – one of the first kicks a student learns is the front snap kick in most styles. You bring the knee up, snap the kick out (kicking with the ball of the foot or instep), bring the kick back and land it. This method fast becomes second nature but before a student learns actual sparring (if they style they are learning does that), how is a student to know their kick is going to be a real ball buster? That is the question I’ll deal with in this post.


First for some comic relief Master Ken is going to demonstrate some ways to create more sopranos in the choir. :)



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Nut Pull and Twist?

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
16 Feb 2014


At times I have reviewed various techniques that while would work – are very worrisome from an unconscious shiver point of view. In this case a girl or woman has is already fighting for her life and limb; she is already being attacked or being sexually assaulted. Her choices are to try and comply and hope the guy will let her go or fight for her life!


The attack is a classic self-defense scenario. A bad guy isolates the victim and then robs, rapes, or murders the victim. The extra confusing thing here is some times a woman will find herself on a date that also turns into a sexual assault!


Disclaimer – I am a guy so I don’t understand most of might be happening in a woman’s mind at this point – only from a self-defense, fight or flight response point of view.


In this post I will review what happened to a woman as she recounted to me and a post I’ve found on this very subject on a martial arts self defense site. I tend to get guys responses where they purport to have iron nuts that cannot be harmed by a woman… I just accept that – although ladies – it is not true.


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Nut Kicking and Ball Busting Girls?

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
9 Dec 2009


I have posted about this before but have you noticed that there are a lot of these ball busting stories and videos? Just go to any search engine and type in “ball busting” and you will see lots of stuff about how girls are able to make men roll around in pain after kicking them in the nuts!


In this post I’ll examine whether or not a girl or woman can reasonably expect that a swift kick in the balls will result in an incapicated man! What can happen to a guy that has had his cojones smashed? I’ll also look at why girls and women might feel the need to have something over men. The biggest question for me is why some guys willingly allow some girls to kick their family jewels!


To set the stage for this discussion here is a good overview of ball busting videos I found on youtube.



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Can Women Fight Men in Self Defense?

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
2 Jun 2009


I have been watching too many youtube women’s self-defense videos and reading the chatter on the web lately and seem to keep finding a familiar theme. An alternate universe where karate instructors seem to be pumping up the egos of women, trying to pretend they can go toe to toe with men!


Now before you (if you are a 21st century woman) start screaming at your computer screen, let me assure you that I know women CAN defend themselves against men. But do I think just because a woman has attended a self-defense course and generally buys into equality, that she understands what she is in for?


I may have worded this a little too strongly but please understand that I think realism should be injected into any woman’s fighting strategy… rather than the dribble that I see so often put forth as empowerment for women (in the form of self-defense)! I spoke to my step-daughter to try and get an understanding of why equality is bandied about so freely when speaking of self-defense and she told me that for some women – it is more important to “feel” that women are equal to men in every way.


Ok here is what I am going to do in this post:

  • Point out how to overcome a stronger attacker
  • Point out that women have to use strategy (i.e. surprise, explosiveness, run, awareness, or weapons to win)
  • Women in the martial arts can overcome a size/strength advantage by superior skill.
  • That many men attacking women will strike hard to disillusion a woman – make her more complainant.
  • Woman should expect to have to fight for their lives – become an animal if they expect to survive!


I hope I have not lost you but let me open with this video and then I will go into more detail. The good news is if you are a woman – YES you CAN defend yourself against a stronger, larger man but you will have to be smart about it!



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