Archive for June, 2014

Comic Relief; Taekwondo Knockouts!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Humor
28 Jun 2014


As you may know from reading this blog – I do Kenpo… I used to do other Japanese styles but I’ve never been to a Taekwondo tournament. My only exposure has been the Olympics. If you have read my comments back then – you know how I feel about kicking at the expense of punches.


I found this video and I could not believe it. First watch the video and then I’ll tell you what I think. Hint – I cannot believe this is a real video showing good moves.


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One of the challenges we all have as we age is how to workout and keep a balance of cardio-pulmonary stress and reduce the likelihood of injuries. Well one way the practitioner of karate can connect to his/her inner dojo is to practice your art! I mean the “fluff” you learned coming up in the ranks such as kata, techniques and basics do not have to be just for belt testing! You can slowly transition from sparring and bag work to increase the ratio of kata and self-defense techniques!


In this posting I’ll explore what I think the transition is necessary and why I have not kept up with the “fluff” after achieving rank – well overdue to jump back in and it is the smart move. But first take a look at a kenpo kata I found on the web.



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Under: karate, martial arts
8 Jun 2014


I have had some experiences while teaching karate over the years confused me. One of the time I was teaching this woman some karate on the side and showed her how to do the kenpo salutation/bow. She did not want to bow to me. I tried to explain to her this was just a formality in karate – it shows respect for one’s instructor. I finally got her to understand but I did not understand the objection myself. I’ll tell you about what I was able to work out with her in a bit.


Then when I read this post entitled, “Religious Objection In The Dojo” I was still confused a couple of years back. I mean I am a Christian but was not really practicing much other than trying to find a service at Easter and Christmas. Still I was confused by why even a devout religious person would object to the obligatory bow before and after lessons.


In this post I’ll explore the pros and cons of the martial arts tradition of bowing. First watch this explanation video I found.


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