Archive for the 'Humor' Category

Comic Relief; Taekwondo Knockouts!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Humor
28 Jun 2014


As you may know from reading this blog – I do Kenpo… I used to do other Japanese styles but I’ve never been to a Taekwondo tournament. My only exposure has been the Olympics. If you have read my comments back then – you know how I feel about kicking at the expense of punches.


I found this video and I could not believe it. First watch the video and then I’ll tell you what I think. Hint – I cannot believe this is a real video showing good moves.


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Under: Humor, Self-defense
12 Apr 2014


While searching the information super highway this morning for a topic I came across this story here. I could not believe what I was reading. I mean men were so threatened by women learning self defense they wanted to take the classes so women could not learn the “secret stuff” and beat them up? :)


While that is certainly humorous to think that, I think more is going on here. This men’s group seems to be an equal rights group for men. Maybe they are planning on suing to make some money because in some places men even go after ladies night promotions. I’m not so sure of the motivation in this case though.


In this post I’ll speak about self defense classes for women and why I think sort term women’s self defense classes should be gender biased to have the best chance at effectiveness.  First some comic relief from the onion.


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Under: Humor, MMA
3 Apr 2014


Boy I about fell off the couch tonight watching this commercial for Autozone’s Duralast Battery. Take a gander to see what I’m talking about.


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Now I have a new line, “Trust me… this battery can beat up your battery!” :)


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Funny Karate Weapon; A Magazine?

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Humor, Self-defense
2 May 2010


I found this on – an apparent self-defense usage of the common magazine. I have a hard time believing that this is serious. Not that I don’t believe there could be some self-defense applications that utilize magazines but more so the “swatting” would only be dangerous to a fly. :)


Well watch this video for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Let me just say it lightened my mood.




Robot Fighters? Iron Man 2!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Humor, Movies
22 Apr 2010


As you all know by know – I try to cover the hard hitting issues in martial arts. One such area affecting our national security is how robots, androids, and super computers might be used in future conflicts. I mean are the dogs of war going to be unleashed without using real dogs?


One such movie that explores this idea somewhat is Iron Man! Yes as a boy I used to read about Tony Starks adventures when he put on the suit effectively making him a robot!


In this post I am going to explore robots in popular music, movies, TV and as a replacement for troublesome mates! To start out this humorous litany take a look at this almost top hit song!




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Santa, WEC and Strikeforce!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Humor, MMA
21 Dec 2009


All of you boys and girls out there know that you better not shout or pout because Santa’s coming to town. Have you ever wondered about Santa? Can the old fat guy in the red suit, fight his way out of a paper bag?


In this post I hope to answer that question as well as look at Saturday’s headliner fights in the WEC 45 and Strikforce Evolution. First take a look at this Santa!



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Christian’s against Karate; What?

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Humor
4 Oct 2009

Every once in a while I am totally taken aback by a story I find on the internet, one that leaves me scratching my head (by the way if you’ve seen my head, I don’t have much hair left!). Well I found a youtube video series by a Dr. Scott Johnson entitled, “The Spiritual Danger of Martial Arts” that is kind of funny to me.

Now longtime readers of this blog know that one of my rules is to have reasonable discourse about topics, not to use personal attacks. I will resist the urge and ask any commenters to do the same. For me this is a reasonable platform to speak about Dr. Johnson’s main points and make some valid counter arguments.

Here is a PDF of Dr. Johnson’s sermon and the first youtube video below. Dr. Johnson goes off topic a lot trying to clarify his points so I suggest you might just read/skim the the 9 pages (7-15 on the PDF) as it will be faster then clicking on the videos. In this post I will give my frame of reference and rebut some of the fallacies found in this video/PDF.


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