Girl Kicks Scissors out of Hands!

Posted by: John W. Zimmer
Under: Self-defense
16 May 2014


One of the truths you hear about self defense is anyone with a knife or scissors is dangerous. Well I agree with that but I have never thought that a little 4″ blade makes someone invincible! While I will grant that if you have to defend against someone with a knife – you might get hurt. I would also say if you were not a trained fighter – you would have a far better chance at getting hurt!


In this post I will talk some of the times I’ve faced people with knives and what I did about it. First here is one example of how a girl seemingly wanted to keep a woman from hurting herself or someone else. And yes a snap kick can knock a knife out of someones hand – I’ve done that.


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If you click the video to watch it in youtube – in part states this:


Southern Television reported on January 6, filming friends, Li said the incident took place at 20:00 on the the 5th and more, he had just come out of a fast food restaurant in Baogang Avenue, a 31-year-old before itblack woman alone in the street screaming, her hand waving a pair of scissors.

Let me just say that this girl was trying to prevent the women from hurting herself or anyone else. It is unusual to see someone other than a cop try to stop a bad situation. But as you can see this girl was very effective and those boots did give her some leeway in case of a mistake.


I had an old girlfriend in a heated argument once point a knife at me to keep me away from her. I just laughed (which seemed to make her madder), so I just kicked the butcher knife out of her hand. I don’t seriously think she was going to use it. But at that point I left.


So I come from an age where weapon attacks were just another obstacle to overcome. Mostly I just front leg side kicked hard at the hips or thigh to crumple my attacker (really a Lewis style lunging side kick). Other times I would employ some broken rhythm and strike whatever was open but what I did not do is fighting a weapon on the inside. I did not fighting on the inside for the most part anyway.


Here is the thing – I did not like getting hit back in a fight so I used my critical distance and only attacked when I had an advantage. One of the main reasons I fought like this was Joe Lewis challenged us at one seminar about how we were starting to get bit cocky as we were winning some tournaments. He said we got more points than the other but by we gave up too many points. That means every time a guy hit you – especially in a real fight – you might have lost. So his challenge was to get points without losing any points.


You see if you learn how to hit without being hit – you can fight empty hand or weapons  the same. Just get the other guy without getting got!


So my hats off to the girl in the 2013 video! Now remember to hit without getting hit back and a measly 4″ blade will not tip the balance of power to your attacker Grasshopper.


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One Response to “Girl Kicks Scissors out of Hands!”

  1. Dr. J Says:

    Well my mom did always warn us not to run with scissors.

    And I’ve had some haircuts where I wish I’d run from scissors.

    Fortunately, I’ve never had to face an assailant with scissors or a knife, but if I ever have to, I hope I keep your advice to maintain distance in mind!
    Dr. J recently posted..Twitter is in an Uproar, Skinny Mannequin EditionMy Profile

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